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You Never Go Wrong With a Costco Hot Dog

Six years later (January 2017) and the Costco Hot Dog and drink is still just $1.50.

Originally Published February 24, 2011

For $1.50 I enjoy the simple enjoyment of a Costco hot dog and a soft drink. It is always a bargain, and for another $1, I love the huge churros that they offer, washed down with a $1.50 berry smoothie. Since I usually eat pretty healthy, this occasional splurge causes me no feelings of guilt.

This is one big hot dog, and the buns are always fresh, wrapped the same way they serve them at Dodger Stadium. And around the corner there is mustard, ketchup (ycchh, I'm hoping the ketchup is limited to kids' hot dogs under age 10), relish and onions.  I love the onion know, the one where you turn a crank and the chopped onions barrel out on top of the hot dog.

Ah yes, to live life to its fullest, one must stop by and dine on one of those $1.50 hot dog/soda combos at Costco.

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