2011 Oxnard Tamale Festival Taste Test Winners Announced!

The 4th Annual Oxnard Tamale Festival took place this past Saturday in Downtown Oxnard. Organizers of the event have announced the tamale taste test champions!

The 2011 Oxnard Tamale Festival Tamale Making Champion is...BG's Coffee Shop (805.487.0700) located at 428 South A Street, Oxnard

Savory Tamale Category Winners

First Place; Taco De Mexico of Ventura

Second Place; Sugarbeets Restaurant & Bar of Downtown Oxnard

Third Place; The Jolly Oyster of Ventura

Sweet Tamale Category Winners

First Place; BG's Coffee Shop of Downtown Oxnard

Second Place; Me Gusta Gourmet Tamales of Pacoima

Third Place; Nancy's Bakery #2 of South Oxnard 

This year's tamale tasting judges included:

Hon. Steven Hintz, Ventura County Treasurer/Tax Collector

Hon. Mark Lunn, Ventura County Clerk/Recorder,

Hon. Fred Bysshe, Ventura County Superior Court

John Ragan, ARC of Ventura County

Chef Gerard Turbush

Chef Paul Tavakoli

Ralph Herrera

Chef Henry Patey of the Oxnard College Culinary Arts Program.

For more information, call 805.766.4906 or visit www.oxnardtamalefest.com.

12th Annual Short Story Contest Announced by Ventura County Writers Club


Contest opens July 15, 2011

The Ventura County Writers Club (VCWC) announces its 12th Annual Short Story Contest, which will open for submissions on July 15, 2011 and close September 30, 2011. The contest draws entries from around the country as well as internationally. The Ventura County Star will publish the first place winning entry in a January 2012 Sunday edition. The paper will publish first, second, and third winning entries in their online edition. The top three winners will receive a cash prize: first place $500; second place $250; and third place $125.

All stories are logged in and assigned a number for the sake of anonymity. VCWC employs a scored, tiered process of judging, with editors at the newspaper working as the final third tier.

"Last year, the Club received many stories for consideration from across the nation, a mark of the prestige the contest is gaining," said Susan Hart Hellman, 2011 Short Story Committee Chair. "The contest provides an opportunity for many writers to have their first thrill of publication and breakthrough to a wide reading audience."

There are additional perks for the winners. The 2012 VCWC Anthology will publish winn
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Conejo Valley Guide is a Finalist in CBS Most Valuable Blogger 2011 Competition!

Vote Daily! Click This Link!Conejo Valley Guide has been nominated for the CBS Los Angeles Most Valuable Blogger Award 2011. There are 6 categories of blogs...Dining/Entertainment, Local Affairs, Sports, Health/Fitness/Medical, Lifestyle and Everything Else. CVG was nominated to the Lifestyle category and is competing with 3 dozen other blogs.

Vote for CVG by CLICKING HERE every day until September 9th. No signups needed. Takes literally 1 second. CVG is the other Ventura County based website on the list from what I can tell. Thanks for your votes! Forward to your friends!

Winners will receive $50 Amazon gift cards. I certainly will be giving this card away via a Facebook contest. So help me win by VOTING EVERY DAY!

I did notice there is one more local nominee, in the Local Affairs category. Vote for Westlake Revelations in that category. In fact, his chance at winning are 3X better than mine because that category has only 11 entrants! Nice!

City of Westlake Village 30th Anniversary Photography Contest

City of Westlake Village 30th Anniversary
Photography Contest

Entries accepted from Jun 18 to Oct 24, 2011

Winners will be selected by October 31. Selected photographs will be put up on display at the City’s 30th Anniversary Winter Wonderland Event on December 11.

Amateur, professional and school-age photographers are invited to enter the City’s first Photography contest. Both digital images or scanned film images accepted.

Photos must be “recognizably Westlake Village” and taken within the city limits. All photos will be reviewed by the City’s Cultural Recreation Advisory Board. Winning photographs will be judged based upon use of color, quality and clarity, illustration of theme, evoking a sense of place, telling a story or depicting Westlake Village. For more information contact Brianne Anderson at 818-706-1613 or Brianne@wlv.org.


Capture the City of Westlake Village’s beautiful environment, active people, and vibrant community life, and submit your favorite photographs in these categories:

1. Environment—skylines, water, open spaces, parks & wildlife
2. Architecture—design, cityscapes, landmarks & infrastructure
3. People Portraits—of residents participating in city sponsored events & classes
4. Community Life—education, volunteer, street/nightlife, celebrations, arts & cultural scenes

Click THIS LINK for detailed information in pdf format or visit the City of Westlake Villge website at www.wlv.org for more information.

Official Malibu City Song Contest Entries Due By June 15, 2011

The City of Malibu will begin accepting submissions for the Official Malibu City Song on Monday, March 28, 2011. Entries must be received by Wednesday, June 15, 2011. The song competition is open to musicians of all ages. Contestants younger than 18 must include a parent or guardian signature with their entry form. Songs should be approximately three minutes in length, suitable for groups as well as soloists, and be submitted on a lead sheet that includes lyrics. Musicians are able to submit more than one entry if interested. Subject material should be appropriate for posting on a public government website and not contain obscene, profane or inappropriate content. Musicians submitting songs for consideration do not have to be residents of Malibu.

For more information and an application visit the City of Malibu website at www.malibucity.org or CLICK HERE for a direct link to the contest web page.

Should be fun. Actual entries will be posted to the City of Malibu website HERE for public listening and voting.