Thousand Oaks Police Seeks Indecent Exposure Suspect Wearing Fishnet Stockings

On Wednesday, August 1st at 5PM, Saturday, November 10th at 2:30PM and Sunday, December 2nd at 4PM, a white male approached several children at apartment complexes in the 1900 block of Avenida de Los Arboles, the 100 block of Los Feliz Drive and the 1100 block of Ramona Drive and exposed himself to children ages 5 to 10 years old.

During the incidents, the suspect was wearing a woman’s skirt or similar type woman’s clothing. Although not aggressive towards the children, he did instigate a conversation with them as he exposed himself.

Detectives from the Thousand Oaks Police Department’s Sexual Assault Unit believe the suspect is the same in all incidents. Along with a skirt, the subject was also wearing women’s underwear and fishnet stockings.

If anyone has any information or has witnessed any similar incidents, please contact the Thousand Oaks Police Department - Sexual Assault Unit. Call 805-654-9511 or in the event of an emergency, call 9-1-1.

The Thousand Oaks Police Department would also like to advise parents to keep watch on their children as the days get shorter and report all suspicious activity to law enforcement. If possible, document license plates of suspects.

Ventura County Crime Stoppers will pay up to $1,000 reward for information, which leads to the arrest and criminal complaint against the person(s) responsible for this crime. The caller may remain anonymous. The call is not recorded. Call Crime Stoppers at 800-222-TIPS (8477).

Source: Ventura County Sheriff's Department (December 10, 2012)

Home Invasion Robbery in Thousand Oaks the Morning of Tuesday, October 30th (2nd Burglary on November 2nd)

Update 11/7/12 from Thousand Oaks PD City Watch Update:

Thousand Oaks Police Detectives are working hard at solving these cases. We are trying to identify and stop the suspects from further burglaries. We are asking for the public's help in reporting any suspicious vehicles or persons in your neighborhood.

Things to look for:

  • Vehicles driving slow on your street
  • Parked vehicles which are occupied
  • Unknown vehicles parked in front of neighbors homes
  • Suspicious subjects or unknown people walking through your neighborhood.
  • Suspicious subjects walking toward or away from your neighbor’s homes that you cannot identify as your neighbors.

If you are on a walk or run I encourage you to carry your cell phone so you can call in suspicious persons or vehicles while you are out. If you have a camera feature on your phone take photographs of vehicles or suspicious persons if possible and without detection. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO APPREHEND OR INTERFERE WITH THE SUSPECTS.

If you see anyone who appears suspicious or suspicious vehicles in your neighborhood you are asked to call sheriff’s dispatch immediately at (805) 654 9511 or 911.

Update 11/5/12 from TOPD: At about 2:50 p.m. on November 2, 2012, the Thousand Oaks Police Department received a call of a burglary in progress in the 3900 block of Cloverleaf Street in Thousand Oaks Upon arrival, officers discovered that several suspects entered the victim’s residence while they were away and stole property.  Police officers, assisted by a Ventura County Sheriff’s helicopter and two canine units, thoroughly searched the area and determined the suspects had fled prior to officers’ arrival. 

Witnesses described three of the suspects as black males in their 20’s to 30’s.  The suspects were also believed to be associated with two vehicles.  They were described as a dark sedan and a light colored sport utility vehicle.  At this point, investigators are considering the possibility that this crime may be associated with the recent home invasion robbery that occurred on Skelton Canyon Circle on October 30, 2012 (discussed below).

The Thousand Oaks Police Department is requesting the public’s assistance in solving these crimes.  We request that anyone with information contact investigators at (805) 494-8201.  We also request that you keep a watchful eye on your neighborhood and report any suspicious activity by calling (805) 654-9511.  Or if you believe it may be an emergency, call 911.

Posted 10/31/12: The Thousand Oaks Police Department reports that three unidentified men confronted a woman at gunpoint inside her residence Tuesday morning, October 30th, during a home invasion robbery in the 3900 block of Skelton Canyon Circle, Thousand Oaks (just a mile north of the intersection of Thousand Oaks and Westlake Boulevards).

The victim’s husband had left for work just minutes before the suspects entered the home and confronted the woman, who was home alone.

The suspects wore ski masks and hooded sweatshirts. At least one of the men displayed a handgun during the robbery. The men left with jewelry and cash after tying up the victim. The woman was able to free herself after several minutes and call 9-1-1.

The victim was not injured during the robbery, and there is little known about the suspects at this time. They were described as black males, with no further details given, other than they drove away in a sedan in an unknown direction.

Anyone with information about this crime is asked to contact investigators at (805) 494-8201.

Ventura County Crime Stoppers will pay up to $1,000 reward for information, which leads to the arrest and criminal complaint against the person(s) responsible for this crime.  The caller may remain anonymous.  The call is not recorded.  Call Crime Stoppers at 800-222-TIPS (8477).

Thousand Police Dept City Watch Update - Research Your Moving Company

Here is the latest "City Watch" alert from Senior Deputy Tim Lohman of the Thousand Oaks Police Department. If you would like these updates directly from via email, click here for more information.

On October 23, 2012, a victim hired Flat Rate Movers, based out of Atlanta, Georgia, to move property from the victim’s former residence in Georgia to the victim’s new residence in Thousand Oaks, California.  After the company took possession of the victim’s property, company personnel notified the victim of a delay in the transportation of her property and thousands of dollars in additional charges that had not been included in the original contract.  Fearing she would not receive her property, the victim paid the additional money. 

On November 4, 2012, a driver for Flat Rate Movers, (S) Jack Romanski, spoke with the victim by telephone.  Romanski advised that several thousand more dollars were required or he would not deliver the victim’s property.  Romanski told the victim that failure to pay the money would result in the victim never seeing the property again.  He also warned the victim not to call the police.  Investigation also led to the discovery that Flat Rate Movers LLC has a long history of customer complaints. 

On November 4, 2012, Thousand Oaks Police Officers located Romanski and arrested him.  The victim’s property was also recovered.

On November 6, 2012, Romanski was arraigned in Ventura County Superior Court on one felony count of extortion.  He remains in custody at the Ventura County Pre-Trial Detention Facility on $10,000.00 bail.

The Thousand Oaks Police Department would like to warn its citizens to use caution when choosing a moving company.  It is recommended that those preparing to hire a moving company go to for helpful information.

Ventura County Crime Stoppers will pay up to $1,000 reward for information, which leads to the arrest and criminal complaint against the person(s) responsible for these types of crimes.  The caller may remain anonymous.  The call is not recorded.  Call Crime Stoppers at 800-222-TIPS (8477).

Ventura County Sheriff Discusses Recent Recent Residential Thefts in Oak Park

Between late August and October of 2012, Ventura County Sheriff’s deputies have taken report of five residential thefts in Oak Park and one in Casa Conejo.  The thieves mainly stole jewelry and in one instance, an unloaded gun.  None of the stolen property was locked or secured in the home.  Some of the jewelry was hidden in drawers or under clothing, but not secured.  The gun was in a closet and not a gun safe.

A common thread to the residential thefts is the victims all had services come into their homes, such as house keepers and carpet cleaners.   Most of the victims left their homes unattended with the workers inside. 

The Ventura County Sheriff’s Office is recommending residents keep themselves safe from residential thefts by following some preventative tips.

  • Keep all jewelry and precious metals in a locked safe.
  • If the safe can be carried away, keep it with you. (While the work is being done).
  • If you don’t have a safe, place all jewelry and precious metals in a container and keep it with you. (While the work is being done).
  • Research all services you plan to use for licensing, reviews and call to find out if they complete background checks on employees.
  • While a service company is in your home, don’t leave or sequester yourself away from the workers.  If you actively watch and interact with the workers, it is less likely your property will be stolen.
  • If law enforcement needs to respond to a theft, it is helpful if there are pictures of the jewelry, the fair market value of the item is known, an inventory of the jewelry was completed, and the date and time it was last accounted for.  This is helpful for any item stolen, along with serial numbers. 
  • Consult your homeowners insurance agent to determine if your jewelry is covered.

The Ventura County Sheriff’s Office is actively working on the cases and suspects are being questioned. The VC Sheriff's Department website is

Ventura County Crime Stoppers Hot Line:  1-800-222-TIPS

Suspect Assaults Jogger on Thousand Oaks Trail on Thursday, August 30th

Suspect Assaults Jogger on Thousand Oaks Trail

Nature of Incident: Attempted Sexual Assault of Jogger

Report Number: RB#12-19626

Location: Lindero Creek Trail, Thousand Oaks

Date & Time: August 30, 2012 1:05 pm

Unit Responsible: Thousand Oaks Sexual Assault Unit

Narrative: A woman was assaulted as she was jogging on a secluded dirt trail in the area of Bowfield Street and Rockfield Street. She was knocked to the ground and struck in the face. During the fight, she was able to strike her attacker and then run to safety and call the police.

View Larger Map

Suspect concealed his face from victim. He also fled the scene in an unknown direction.

The Thousand Oaks Police Department is seeking information from the public regarding this incident. We also want to remind citizens to exercise with others and stay away from secluded areas whenever possible.

Ventura County Crime Stoppers will pay up to $1,000 reward for information, which leads to the arrest and criminal complaint against the person(s) responsible for this crime. The caller may remain anonymous. The call is not recorded. Call Crime Stoppers at 800-222-TIPS (8477).

Source: Ventura County Sheriff's Department release 8/31/02

Ventura County Sheriff Removes Over 3,800 Marijuana Plants in Newbury Park

Earlier this month, the Ventura County Sheriff’s Narcotic Unit concluded an investigation into an illegal marijuana cultivation operating in the Hill Canyon area of Thousand Oaks. This area is located in the 1500 block of Rancho Conejo Boulevard in Thousand Oaks near a gated community.

A number of investigators descended into the area where they discovered a large marijuana garden with over 3,800 plants in various stages of growth. The area was searched for suspects, but none were found. Investigators spent several hours eradicating the plants and collecting evidence.

Anyone with information on the suspect(s) involved in the cultivation can provided the information by calling the Ventura County Sheriff’s Department or Crime Stoppers.

Ventura County Crime Stoppers will pay up to $1,000 reward for information, which leads to the arrest and criminal complaint against the person(s) responsible for this crime.  The caller may remain anonymous.  The call is not recorded.  Call Crime Stoppers at 800-222-TIPS (8477).

Source: Ventura County Sheriff's Department

East County Sheriff Watch Alert Re: Catalytic Converter Thefts

Here is the latest "East County Sheriff Watch" alert from the Ventura County Sheriff's Department. This program is designed to target unincorporated neighborhoods in the area, such as Oak Park, Bell Canyon, Lynn Ranch, Casa Conejo and Lake Sherwood. If you would like these updates directly from him via email, click here for more information.

A catalytic converter is part of the emission system on a vehicle.  It is located underneath, near the muffler.  Over the last month, there have been several thefts of catalytic converters in the Thousand Oaks area.   Thieves have primarily targeted Toyota trucks and Toyota SUV type vehicles.  These thefts have occurred in both residential and business areas, during the late night to early morning hours. 

The unincorporated area has also been affected by this trend.  During the early morning hours of 5/26/12, thieves stole a catalytic converter from a vehicle in the Casa Conejo neighborhood of Newbury Park.  

Be aware that it only takes minutes for this type of theft to occur.  It is possible the thieves work in pairs, having one act as the look out.  Investigators believe the catalytic converters are most likely being sold to recycling centers.

Crime Prevention Tips

Park your vehicle in the garage.  If your car is going to be parked for an extended period of time, for instance at a shopping center or commuter transit parking lot, park your car in a well-lit area.  Also, try to park near the entrance of the building or near an access road that is heavily traveled. 

Crime Stoppers

Ventura County Crime Stoppers will pay up to $1,000 reward for information, which leads to the arrest and criminal complaint against the person(s) responsible for crimes.  The caller may remain anonymous.  The call is not recorded.  Call Crime Stoppers at 800-222-TIPS (8477).

Ventura County Sheriff Seeks Suspects: Thefts From Vehicles in Oak Park on April 23

 Special Alert Bulletin - Oak Park

On Monday (04/23/12), between 10am to 10:30am, there were several thefts from vehicles in the parking lot of Oak Park High School.  In each case, the suspects broke vehicle windows in order to steal valuables that had been left in view.

The vehicle pictured below was related to the crimes.  It has been described as a black Ford Expedition SUV.  The SUV appears to have different rims on both front wheels.  Both rear wheels appear to have matching factory rims.  The rear windows also appear to have dark tint.

There were two suspects involved in the crimes.  They both appear to be Hispanic males in there 30’s to 40’s, with dark hair and slender to medium builds.

If anyone has any information regard

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Cell Phone Safety for Children Message from the Moorpark Police Department

During this year’s holiday gift giving, many parents have decided to give their children cellular telephones. Most new phones fall under a Smartphone category, which means they are capable of performing many tasks other than just being a telephone. The commonly used tasks by kids are texting, sending photos, social networking, downloading music, watching videos, playing games and then of course using it as a telephone.

Cell phones can be a great safety feature for your children, and a lifeline. However, it is important that your child is mature enough to understand the hazards of cell phone use. With more advancement in cellular technology, comes the responsibility for parents to manage cell phone use by our children. Sending pictures over the Internet is something that is common for children to do these days. Photo messaging on cell phones is no different. Children need to be aware that not all pictures are appropriate to send and receive. They also need to know that if they receive a message or image that makes them uncomfortable, they should immediately tell you or another trusted adult. Not deleting the inappropriate material before showing an adult is best, so the adult can better assess the issue and present the problem to law enforcement authorities if necessary.

Moorpark Police Cell Phone Quick List of Do’s and Do not’s

  1. Send appropriate text, email, or picture messages only.
  2. Do not give out your address or other personal information on a phone call, text, or email to
  3. people you don’t know, or if others can hear you.
  4. Do not respond to an email, text, picture, or voice message from someone you don’t know.
  5. Tell an adult you trust if you receive anything on your phone—a call, a text message, an email, a picture, or voicemail message—that makes you uncomfortable.
  6. Be aware of your surroundings and understand when talking or texting is appropriate and when it is not.

Finally, for those who can drive, never ever talk or text while driving.