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Lots of Buzz About a Proposed Opening of Hooters in Thousand Oaks - Survey Time!

Update 10/27/11: VC Star reports that Hooters is withdrawing application for full bar and is going ahead with permitting for opening with beer and wine only.

Update 8/10/11: VC Star "Hundreds Oppose Opening of Hooters in Thousand Oaks"

Update 8/5/11: Plenty of Hooters buzz at the CVG Facebook page going on.

Update 7/26/11: VC Star indicates that City of Thousand Oaks seeks public comments regarding the proposed Hooters at Janss Marketplace through August 4th. 

ORIGINALLY POSTED MARCH 31: On March 18th, the Ventura County Star published an article about the possibility of a Hooters restaurant at Janss Marketplace at the location vacated by Fuddruckers in April 2010 (and for you old geezers, previously occupied by Sizzler). There are 455 Hooters throughout the world, with the closest locations in Hollywood, Santa Monica and Burbank, far far away from us sheltered folk in Ventura County. That's a lot of Hooters! Apparently the largest Hooters is in Dallas. Or at least that's what I've been told.

There's been quite a lot of buzz on this topic. Quite a number of people are against the notion of a Hooters in town, while others don't seem to give a hoot about it.  Over 250 comments on the VC Star site, lots of comments in Facebook and people even Tweeting me about it. So how about a little survey on this hot topic!**

**Keep in mind that CVG has absolutely no affiliation with Hooters, Janss Marketplace or the City of Thousand Oaks, so this survey is just for fun. Don't expect anyone to take an action as a result of it. :>

Should the City of Thousand Oaks allow a Hooters restaurant into the city?

Total Responses: 284 (updated 8/10/11)

"Yes" 156 votes or 54.9%

"No" 86 votes or 30.3%

"Maybe" 4 votes or 1.4%

"Could give a HOOT" 24 votes or 8.5%

Other responses 14 votes or 5.1% (these are comments, mostly "for" or "o.k. with" a Hooters

So basically the "yes" votes were roughly double the "no" votes, excluding the people who don't have an opinion. And there you have it.