2024 Summer Beach Buses in Agoura Hills, Thousand Oaks, Moorpark

The City of Agoura Hills Summer Beach Bus is back for 2024. Runs June 17 to August 16 (except July 4) Monday through Friday from three designated locations to/from Zuma Beach. Service is $2 each way. Exact change required. Open to anyone (not just Agoura Hills residents). www.agourahillscity.org/department/community-services-parks-recreation/beach-bus.

The City of Thousand Oaks is offering Summer Beach Bus Service in 2024 from June 17 to August 10 (except July 4) to Zuma Beach and Ventura Harbor Beach (new this year). Two round trips will be available daily Monday through Friday. to Zuma and Saturday to Ventura Cove Beach. The fare is $4.00 round trip ($1.00 for seniors ages 65+ and persons with disabilities) cash only and is collected in person at the time of boarding. Students from kindergarten through college can ride the Beach Bus for free.

The City of Moorpark is offering round trip bus service to/from Harbor Cove Beach in Ventura this year on Wednesdays through Fridays, June 19 to August 16. $5 round trip for adults/students. $2 for seniors. Must have exact change. Free for ages 5 and under (accompanied by fare paying passenger age 16+). See www.moorparkca.gov/821/Beach-Bus

2024 City of Thousand Oaks Summer Beach Bus Service June 17 to August 10

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City of Thousand Oaks Summer Beach Bus Service Returns For 2024

The City of Thousand Oaks will once again offer the Summer Beach Bus: a regular scheduled public transit service traveling weekdays between Thousand Oaks and Zuma Beach in Malibu and, new this year, Saturday service to Ventura Harbor Beaches. This will be the 11th year the service is being offered by Thousand Oaks Transit (TOT). The service runs Monday through Saturday from June 17 through August 10, except for July 4.

Two round trips will be available daily, Monday through Friday, to Zuma Beach and on Saturdays to Ventura Harbor Beaches. The fare is $4.00 round trip ($1.00 for seniors ages 65+ and persons with disabilities) cash only and is collected in person at the time of boarding. Students from kindergarten through college can ride the Beach Bus for free. The Beach Bus departs from two locations -- Borchard Community Center Parking Lot and the Thousand Oaks Teen Center Bus Stop. The Beach Bus drops off and picks up at Zuma Beach parking lot #8 Monday through Friday and picks up and drops off at Harbor Village and Harbor Cove Beach in Ventura.   

For exact departure times please refer to the timetable posted at each stop or for more information about the Summer Beach Bus, visit the Thousand Oaks Transit website at toaks.co/beachbus. Seating is limited and riders will be boarded on a first-come, first-served basis. Early arrival, at least 15 minutes in advance, is encouraged.

Parents and riders may track the bus location in real-time by visiting www.govcbus.com/map.

2024 City of Moorpark Summer Beach Bus Service June 19 to August 16

The City of Moorpark has announced limited beach bus service to Harbor Cove Beach in Ventura for summer 2024 on Wednesdays through Fridays, June 19 through August 16. Bus leaves from designated stops in Moorpark. Service is $5 round trip for adults; $2 for 65+ seniors and ADA certified individuals. Children ages 5 and younger ride free when accompanied by a paid passenger age 16+. www.moorparkca.gov/821/Beach-Bus

2024 City of Agoura Hills Beach Bus June 17 to August 16

The City of Agoura Hills Summer Beach Bus is back for 2024. The bus runs June 17 to August 16 (except July 4), Monday through Friday from three designated locations to/from Zuma Beach, Parking Lot #8 - Lindero Canyon Middle School, Agoura High School and Agoura Road at Liberty Canyon. Service is $2 each way. Exact change required. Open to anyone (not just Agoura Hills residents). www.agourahillscity.org/department/community-services-parks-recreation/beach-bus.

City of Ventura to Allow Passive Use of Beaches Beginning Friday, May 29th

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On Tuesday, May 26, 2020, the Ventura City Council unanimously voted to ease limited closure restrictions of Ventura's beaches and parks. The City's decision provides access to its parks, beaches, the Promenade, Pier, public restrooms and select parking lots.

For the last several weeks Ventura’s parks and beaches have been open for active recreational use, such as walking, jogging, swimming, and surfing. Beginning on May 29, these areas will also open for passive use, such as sitting and sunbathing as long as the public maintains a safe physical distance of six feet and avoids congregating in large groups outside of their immediate household.

Group activities such as volleyball, football, soccer, and other contact sports are not allowed.

Bathrooms and parking lots will also gradually reopen at parks and beaches throughout the City, starting with the Harbor Boulevard parking structure at the Pier. Public bathrooms will be cleaned daily with high touch surfaces properly disinfected regularly.

Sidewalks, walking paths, trails, and tracks within all public parks continue to remain open for active recreational use, including walking, hiking, jogging, running, or biking. Please follow public health guidance in the " Stay Well at Home " order, set by the Ventura County Health Officer.

Playgrounds, pools, courts, indoor facilities like museums and visitor centers, and sports and recreational fields will remain closed until further notice. If a park or beach becomes overcrowded or difficult for safe social distancing to be observed, the Ventura Police Department may order the area to be closed.

City signs will be posted to remind the public to continue to practice physical distance of six feet or more and abide by the County's " Stay Well at Home " order to limit the risk of exposure to the virus.

For the latest updates on impacts to the City of Ventura, visit www.CityofVentura.ca.gov/COVID19 . For public health information and updates happening in Ventura County, visit www.VCEmergency.com .

Ventura area beaches compiled at THIS LINK.

Los Angeles County Beaches Will Reopen to the Public for Active Use on May 13th

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Yesterday, it was announced that Los Angeles County beaches will reopen to the public on May 13th, subject to the following rules:

  • Active use only - Swimming, surfing, running, walking, individual/family activities and exercise.

  • No sunbathing, sitting on the sand, canopies, coolers or picnicking.

Physical distancing of at least 6 feet from others and face covering when outside the water and around others is required.

Beach parking lots, bike paths, piers and boardwalks remain closed at this time.


Parking Along Pacific Coast Highway to be Temporarily Closed Beginning April 30th

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In order to continue the success of Ventura County flattening the COVID-19 curve, the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office, working in collaboration with the California Highway Patrol, Caltrans, California State Parks, and Ventura County Parks Department, will be updating parking standards along northern and southern stretches of the Pacific Coast Highway in Ventura County.

Pacific Coast Highway from Point Mugu State Beach south to the Los Angeles County line will be closed for all parking. Additionally, Pacific Coast Highway from Emma Wood State Beach north to the Santa Barbara County line will be closed for all parking. This change in parking regulations is a continued effort to comply with the “Stay at Home Order” issued by the Ventura County Health Officer, which was most recently updated on April 20, 2020. Areas will be clearly marked, and enforcement action related to parking and/or violations of the “Stay at Home Order” may be taken.

Beginning today, April 30, 2020 at 8:00 am, Caltrans posted “No Parking” signs along both sides of Pacific Coast Highway as well as coning off the area. Law enforcement agencies will be patrolling the area to ensure compliance with the new parking restrictions, beach closures and the “Stay at Home Order.”

These agencies are committed to keeping the residents of Ventura County safe, and at this time, that includes restricting access to parking in certain areas. The goal of this temporary parking restriction is to keep the curve flattened related to new cases of COVID-19 within the County.

All beaches south of Naval Base Ventura County at Point Mugu extending to the Los Angeles County line are completely closed. All beaches north of Point Mugu to the Santa Barbara County line are open with some restrictions. Beach goers will only be allowed to participate in activities on the beach such as running, walking, swimming, and surfing. Gathering on the beach in groups with items such as blankets, chairs, and coolers will not be allowed.


Residents Who Visit County of Ventura Managed Beaches Urged to Follow Distancing Guidelines

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Hollywood Beach

Residents who visit County of Ventura-managed beaches are urged to follow guidelines outlined in the Stay Well At Home Order issued by County of Ventura Public Health Officer Dr. Robert Levin.

Kiddie Beach, Silver Strand Beach and Hollywood Beach, managed by the Ventura County Harbor Department, have remained open for outdoor activity to afford residents relief. Residents are encouraged to use the beaches for essential physical activity such as walking, running, and jogging, while practicing social distancing guidelines. Beach visitors are not allowed to gather with groups on the beach outside their household.

“Ventura County residents should be proud of their efforts during this time and we want to make sure we continue to flatten the curve,” said Mark Sandoval, Harbor Department Director. “Practicing social distancing guidelines, particularly at the beach, is important. Not following these guidelines may result in our County-managed beaches being shut down for the foreseeable future.”

Director Sandoval said the Ventura County Sheriff’s Department will increase patrolling of the three beaches to ensure guidelines are being met.

Parking lots and bathrooms at the three beaches will remain closed.

Ventura City Council Vote to Re-Open Parks and Beaches On a Limited Basis

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Tonight, the Ventura City Council voted to re-open parks and beaches in the City of Ventura on a “limited closure” basis.

What this means is that parks and beaches will be open for active use only. Walking, running, hiking, cycling and other recreational uses with proper 6 foot social distancing and participants in these activities do not linger in any location.

The Promenade, pier, sidewalks, walking paths, trails and tracks within all City of Ventura beaches are open for use by the public so long as gatherings are socially distanced and no more than 5 people (under the most current VC Public Health Order).

Large group gatherings and picnics will not be allowed at this time to abide by current Ventura County Stay at Home orders.

Parking lots, playgrounds, restrooms, pools, sports/recreational fields and picnic areas will continue to be closed.

Failure to comply with these rules could result in closures as necessary. Parks and beaches can be shut down when overcrowding becomes an issue.

More details at www.cityofventura.ca.gov/DocumentCenter/View/21039/12A