The Conejo Orchid Society will hold its annual Orchid Show and Sale fundraiser June 7 - 9 at the Thousand Oaks Library (Grant Brimhall Library), 1401 E. Janss Rd., Thousand Oaks. This free event will be an opportunity to learn about orchids and the Conejo Orchid Society. Learn how to care for your orchids. Shop for some great bargains and try your hand at growing some of the most beautiful and unusual plants in the world.
This event includes an exhibit of members’ orchids, and a wide range of inexpensive, easy-to-grow orchids for sale. Several hundred orchids from quality orchid nurseries and society member divisions will be available. Many can be grown outdoors in Southern California. Other available items will include “companion plants”, such as tillandsias, and succulents, grown by Society members, and orchid potting mix.
Demonstrations will show how to repot and care for orchids. Society members will be available to provide guidance on how best to grow your new orchids and will answer your questions.
The hours of the Orchid Show and Sale are Friday, June 7 – Noon to 6pm, Saturday, June 8 - 10am to 5pm, and Sunday, June 9 – Noon to 2pm. Arrive early for the best selection. Demonstrations of general orchid care will be Friday at 2pm and Saturday at 11am and 2pm.
Admission is free.
They accept payment in cash or check only.
For more information, call 805-410-3803 or visit