California's Statewide Smoke-Free Air Laws


The state of California has a number of smoke-free laws in place that include traditional tobacco products such as cigarettes, cigars and pipes as well as electronic smoking devices. Let's have a look at these laws below, keeping in mind that local laws may be more stringent. Learn more about smoke-free air laws at

Child/Day Care Centers: Smoking is prohibited within all licensed day care center, including private residences licensed as family day care homes.

Farmers' Markets: Smoking is prohibited within 25 feet of farmers' markets.

Foster and Group Homes: Smoking is prohibited within and outside these homes when children are present.

Government Buildings: Smoking is prohibited in all state, county and city government buildings and within 20 feet from their main exits, entrances or operable windows and in any passenger vehicle owned by the state.

Multi-Unit Housing: Smoking is prohibited in apartment and condo indoor commons spaces (e.g. hallways, stairwells, laundry rooms and recreation rooms).

Personal Vehicles: Smoking prohibited when children under age 18 is present in a motor vehicle, whether it is moving or stopped.

Public Transportation: Smoking prohibited.

Workplaces: Smoking is prohibited in all indoor workplaces, including bars, restaurants, offices, factories and warehouses. 

Youth Buses: Smoking is prohibited by operators of youth buses at all times.

Correctional Facilities: Smoking and tobacco products are prohibited in all state correctional facilities. Tobacco products may be possessed in residential staff housing where inmates are not present.

Playgrounds and Youth Sports Events: Smoking and tobacco products are prohibited within 25 feet of playgrounds, tot lot sandboxes and children's recreational areas, as well as within 250 feet of a youth sports event (including practices, games or related activities where kids up to age 18 are present).

Schools: Smoking and tobacco products are prohibited in all school districts, charter schools and county offices of education, while students are under supervision. 

Looking to quit smoking? Find help at the California Smokers' Helpline, 1-800-NO-BUTTS or by visiting

California Tobacco Facts and Figures 2019 from the California Department of Health

  • Adult tobacco use in California decline from 57.4% in 1988 to 10.1%, or 2.8 million adults, in 2017. The rest of the U.S. is at 17..1%.

  • There is a clear correlation between education and cigarette smoking. Just 6.7% of residents with a bachelor’s degree smoke, vs 16% for those without a high school degree.

  • Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties have a cigarette smoking rate of 9.6% in 2015-2017.

  • Youth cigarette use has dropped from 16% in 2002 to 2% in 2018, while the U.S. rate has dropped from 22.5% to 8.1%.