Nicholas Canyon County Beach in Malibu, East of Leo Carrillo State Beach
/Nicholas Canyon County Beach is 1 mile east of Leo Carrillo State Beach at 33850 Pacific Coast Highway, Malibu. This is a nice beach where you can hang out, fish, picnic, surf and go for a great walk in about 25 acres. There's a decent sized parking lot with 150 spaces available, as well as parking on PCH. Parking costs range from $3 to $10 (as of July 2019), depending on time of the year. There are also portable restrooms on hand as well as showers and picnic benches. More information at
LA County beach rules at - as an fyi, animals (including dogs), alcohol, smoking, fires/BBQ and amplified music are allowed.
View from the top of hte staircase near the parking lot.
Bench yourself for some nice views of the Pacific Ocean.
View looking northwest towards Leo Carrillo.