U.S. Mail First-Class Letter Rates Increased by a Penny on January 27, 2013
/The U.S. Postal Service announced in October that First-Class mail single letter rates will increase by 1 cent, from 45 cents to 46 cents, on Sunday, January 27, 2013. This represents a 2.2% increase. The last increase we had was about a year ago.
In addition, the Postal Service has introduced a new Global Forever Stamp. The stamp is $1.10 and can be used towards postage on a mail sent to any country in the world.
Who actually uses mail these days for paying bills? Do what I do and start utilizing online bill payment services. Paying bills online allows me to save money on stamps, save time (no more handwriting, tearing, stuffing, licking and mailing) and headache. Click here for more information. I use online billpay and direct debit/credits for 95% of my bills.