Harmon Canyon Preserve in Ventura
/Look for this address sign on Foothill Road to access the trailhead.
Established in 2020, the Harmon Canyon Preserve is owned and managed by the Ventura Land Trust. The 2,100 acre preserve located at 7511 Foothill Road, Ventura (just west of Kimball Road) contains about 6 1/2 miles of well-maintained trails in the canyons and hills.
Open to hikers, bikers and runners. Dogs on leash allowed.
Free parking is available at the preserve trailhead off of McVittie Place. You can park on the west side of Kimball, or park a few blocks down Kimball and Loma Vista Road at Juanamaria Park, and walk a few blocks to the trailhead.
More details and trail map at www.venturalandtrust.org/harmoncanyon.
Old Jeep on the trail