Camarillo Public Library Currently Offers Curbside Pickup Service


Since June, the Camarillo Public Library has offered Curbside Pickup Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Curbside pickup works as follows:

  • Request materials online or by calling 805-388-5222.. Requests are limited to 10 items due to high demand.

  • Once you have been notified via email, phone or text, that your items are ready, park in a numbered space.

  • Call 805-388-5222, provide staff your name, library card number and parking space number.

  • Stay in your vehicle and your items will be delivered to you.

Items are due back in 3 weeks and must be returned using the drive-up book drops . Items will be quarantines for 4 days before being marked as returned (which will not result in late fines).

More information at