Ventura County Library Welcomes the Public Back Into Buildings

Since April 7, 2021, the Ventura County Library System libraries, including libraries in the cities of Ojai, Ventura, Port Hueneme, and Fillmore, have welcomed the public back for limited indoor services including browsing and checkout of collections and computer use. Customers have up to 50 minutes per day to conduct activities in the library.

Since summer of 2020, customers have also been able to place holds for library materials online and pick them up when ready just outside the front doors of the libraries. Throughout the pandemic, the library system has worked closely with public health officials and within state guidelines for libraries to provide safe library services and programs.

The safety of customers and staff remain the first priority and customers may notice enhanced safety measures when they come back to the library, such as plexiglass barriers at service desks, availability of hand sanitizer, and socially distanced computer workstations. The library has covered additional costs throughout the pandemic associated with paying janitorial crews for more often and extra deep cleaning measures and upgraded filters on HVAC systems. The library continues to provide numerous online programs and resources, but also has plans to implement some in-person programs again as early as this summer. When the state reopens, public seating and tables will be made available again for study and reading, and time limits for library use per day eliminated.

At the Ventura County Library System, 42% of library employees were redeployed over the course of the pandemic to serve as Disaster Services Workers for other county agencies, performing tasks such as delivering meals to seniors, contact tracing and working at vaccination clinics. During the pandemic, several customer service modifications were made, some of which the library is planning to continue after the pandemic because they were so successful, such as offering live online tutoring for students in both English and Spanish, chat reference services, virtual STEAM and Storytime programs, and enhanced ebook collections. For a seven-month period in the past year, over 2,000 students received live tutoring online through the library. Over 25,000 people received virtual library cards online to access ebooks and databases, including many students accessing these resources for schoolwork. And from July 2020 to April 2021 an average of 15,600 items were checked out from the libraries per month. Ebook usage increased 75% over the past year, and eaudiobook usage increased 25%. From March 2020 to April 2021, staff produced 621 live Storytime programs on Facebook which had 70,044 unique views. In partnership with the Ventura County Area Agency on Aging, the Mobile Library delivered Face Mask Kits, containing face masks for children and adults, hand sanitizer and information for older family members, to some of the hardest hit areas of the county. In September 2020, the Board of Supervisors approved the library to go permanently fine free for overdue library materials, meaning there are no overdue fines that could prevent people from using the library. This positive change removes barriers to library services for some of the most vulnerable populations who need library services the most.

The Ventura County Library continues to partner with other agencies and non-profits to share resources and implement impactful programs designed specifically to meet the needs of people in Ventura County. Acknowledging that basic needs must be met before people can participate in lifelong learning and education, many of these partnerships focus on addressing the mental and physical well-being of community members in addition to providing library and literacy services. Other partnerships address the need for access to technology and digital literacy. For example, the library will soon implement Parent and Child Together classes in collaboration with First 5 of Ventura County to address the social and emotional needs of children and their parents and develop early literacy skills; and, a program to provide technology and workforce training through the Mobile Library in partnership with the Workforce Development Board of Ventura County and America’s Job Center of Oxnard. The library is also working with the Ventura County Area Agency on Aging to loan computers to seniors across the county to address social isolation and access to health information. And, in summer 2021 the Avenue Library will host the Lunch at the Library program to meet the nutritional needs of children who are out of school for the summer, along with the annual Summer Reading program to address literacy.

To find out more about the Ventura County Library, please visit us online at

City of Camarillo Public Library to Reopen on Tuesday, April 27, 2021


The City of Camarillo is pleased to announce the modified reopening of the Camarillo Public Library (4101 Las Posas Road, Camarillo) on Tuesday, April 27, 2021.

The Camarillo Public Library, which has been closed since March 14, 2020, due to the state of emergency arising from the spread of COVID-19, will reopen to the community beginning Tuesday, April 27, 2021. The hours will be Tuesday through Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Curbside service will continue with modified hours, Tuesday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., which is consistent with the current peak use of curbside service.

Visitors will be allowed to browse bookstacks and check out physical materials from all areas of the library including the fiction, non-fiction, young adults, and children sections. In addition, each area will have pre-selected book bundles available for quick access and checkout. Books and other physical materials returned or handled by the public will be held in quarantine for 48-hours before being returned to shelves, consistent with state guidelines.

Both visitors and staff will be required to wear masks. Physical distancing protocols will be enforced, and furniture and chairs will be rearranged to ensure proper distancing. The use of plexiglass barriers will be used in areas where person-to-person interaction is likely to occur.

Cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing will be conducted throughout the day. The number of available library computers has been reduced to provide for proper distancing, and a time restriction of one hour per user per day will be imposed. Access to printers, copy machines, and Wi-Fi will be available.

In-person library programming and private events remain unavailable at this time and will be evaluaed and expanded as conditions improve. The literacy program and Russell Fischer Business Collection will continue to be offered as virtual services, and a virtual summer reading program will be added to encourage students in maintaining reading and comprehension skills during their summer break. For more information on services and programs offered at the Camarillo Public Library, visit

Friends of the Thousand Oaks Library Launches Online Bookshop, Good Friends, Good Books

tfol bookshop.jpg

Friends of the Thousand Oaks Library (FTOL) has launched an online bookshop, Good Friends, Good Books.

The Friends of the Thousand Oaks Library Good Friends, Good Books online bookshop currently offers over 4,000 titles, including children’s books, adult fiction and nonfiction as well as CDs, DVDs and gift books.

The shop includes books and other items that have been donated by the community and range in quality from like new to gently used. All proceeds support the Thousand Oaks Library; all sales are final.

Items ordered before Friday evening will be ready for COVID-safe pickup the following Sunday morning at the main entrance of the Library between 9:30 am and 11:00 am.

If you miss visiting the FTOL bookshop inside the Grant R. Brimhall Library, this is the next best thing! The Library is located at 1401 E. Janss Road, Thousand Oaks.

The mission of the Friends of the Thousand Oaks Library, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, is to increase awareness of, raise funds for, and actively assist the Thousand Oaks Library and its branch(s) to promote learning, literacy and cultural knowledge via materials, programs such as Summer Reading, materials and technology and services made available to the community.

Visit the bookshop at

Camarillo Public Library Currently Offers Curbside Pickup Service


Since June, the Camarillo Public Library has offered Curbside Pickup Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Curbside pickup works as follows:

  • Request materials online or by calling 805-388-5222.. Requests are limited to 10 items due to high demand.

  • Once you have been notified via email, phone or text, that your items are ready, park in a numbered space.

  • Call 805-388-5222, provide staff your name, library card number and parking space number.

  • Stay in your vehicle and your items will be delivered to you.

Items are due back in 3 weeks and must be returned using the drive-up book drops . Items will be quarantines for 4 days before being marked as returned (which will not result in late fines).

More information at

The Grant R. Brimhall Library in Thousand Oaks Offers Curbside Pickup Service


The Grant R. Brimhall Library in Thousand Oaks has been offering curbside pickup service, where you can pick up library materials that you placed a hold on on the library’s website or by phone. Anyone with a Thousand Oaks Library card can use the service.

The way it works is to log in to the library’s catalog at and request a hold on the items you want. You will be notified when the items are ready for pickup in your account, then have seven days to pick up your items. You may also request the hold by calling 805-449-2660 weekdays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Curbside pickup is available Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sat 10 a.m. to p.m. Not available Wed/Sun.

To pick up the items, follow the signs to the Greeter Station and place your library card, barcode side up, or your California driver’s license on the right side of your dashboard.

At the Distribution Station, library staff will place your items either in your trunk or your right rear passenger window.

DVDs and BluRay discs will be available for curbside checkout, fee free, during this period.

Items may be returned in the drive-up book drops and go through a one day quarantine period.

The Newbury Park Branch Library remains closed until further notice for both pickups and returns.

Ventura County Library Provides Virtual Services During COVID-19 Shutdown


Ventura County Library continues to provide services during the COVID-19 emergency while staff and customers are sheltering at home.

DATE: Ongoing

Ventura County Library continues to provide services during the COVID-19 emergency while staff and customers are sheltering at home. Many library services continue to be available.

Those services include: eBooks and eAudiobooks are available in our CloudLibrary collection at: Ventura County Library has recently dedicated extra funds to this collection to aid our customers during the County’s Stay Well at Home order.

eLibrary online resources at including streaming music and movies, reference resources, newspapers, language learning, and literacy resources.

Storytimes – recorded on our YouTube channel at: and

Storytimes – live streamed on our Facebook page at

  • Monday-Friday at 10:30am and Friday at 3:30pm

    • Including a STEAM storytime on Thursdays at 10:30am

  • Bilingual Storytime Monday at 3:30pm

Don't have a card? Check our Get a Library card page to get a temporary number.

Due to the local COVID-19 emergency all Ventura County Library branches have closed and all programs and events canceled.

During this time, due dates for borrowed materials are being automatically extended, with no late fines assessed. Once the library reopens, customers may return materials. Until then, customers are asked to enjoy the items at home. Book drops are locked during our closure.

Placing holds is suspended and we encourage customers to keep lists of items and place holds once we reopen. The holds queue for materials is also paused, and when we reopen customers will have one week to pick up held items.

Ventura County Library is in constant communication with other departments, local officials, and health authorities. Stay updated on the latest regional developments of COVID-19 at

For additional information, contact Nancy Schram, Ventura County Library Director at (805) 256-8535

Ventura County Library Opens New Location on Hill Road in Ventura on December 3rd

On December 3, 2017, a new branch of the Ventura County Library is opening on Hill Road across from the Ventura County Government Center. The 5,100 square foot facility is ideally suited for library services on the east side of Ventura. Hill Road Library is within walking distance of several schools and residential areas, is conveniently located on a bus route, and will provide a well-lit parking lot.

Hill Road Library will feature traditional library hours and services such as adult literacy tutoring, early childhood literacy classes, training classes, and a collection of print materials. The Hill Road Library will also make use of technology to expand services, including laptop computers available for check-out for use in the library and high speed internet access. Makerspace equipment like a 3D printer and desktop CNC carver machine will also be featured.

The Ventura County Board of Supervisors approved ongoing funds in the amount of $250,000 to operate the new library, while the City of Ventura approved $50,000 annually that will allow for an additional 16 open hours per week.  The City also provided $25,000 for one-time capital expenditures.  The Ventura Friends of the Library raised and contributed $200,000, much of which came from used book sales to local residents. 

Come see the new library for yourself at the grand opening event: Sunday, December 3rd from 12 noon to 2pm.  Don’t miss the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at 12:30pm!  Enjoy BBQ compliments of the Ventura Downtown Lions Club and music from Rubicon Harmonix.

The Hill Road Library is located at 1050 Hill Road in Ventura. Beginning December 3, 2017, hours of service are Monday through Wednesdays, 10am to 6pm; Thursdays, 2pm to 6pm; Fridays through Sundays, 10am to 2pm.

The Ventura County Library is available 24/7 at

Ventura County Library Offers Free Online Tool for Local Authors

Interested in getting your novel, memoir, poetry collection, or children's book in eBook and print-ready formats? Ventura County Library now has Pressbooks, an easy online tool that allows you to create professional quality versions of your book in popular publication formats.

Combined with other aspects of BiblioBoard Digital Library, our newest online resource, local authors now have free access to the following tools for local publication:

PressBooks: An easy-to-use online tool for authors, allowing you to create professional, print ready, quality versions of your books, memoirs, or poetry collections in ePUB, MOBI, and PDF formats.

SELF-e: An innovative collaboration between Library Journal and BiblioBoard enabling authors and libraries to work together to share self-published ebooks to eager readers looking to discover something new.

Indie California: great reads in all genres from local authors. Start reading today to find your next favorite book! 

BiblioBoard’s mobile apps available free from Apple App Store and Google Play.
Find PressBooks under BiblioBoard in the Ventura County eLibrary at

The Ventura County Library is available 24/7 at

Ventura County Library System Launches "Career Cruising" Exploration Program


Ventura County Library cardholders can now access Career Cruising, a bilingual (English and Spanish language) career exploration and research program for all ages. Available now, Career Cruising provides age-appropriate career development, assessments, planners and other resources to assist users to achieve their full potential in school, career and life.

Your Ventura County Library card is all you need to create a personal account (My Plan) and complete interest and skills assessments resulting in a personalized list of career matches. With your personal My Plan account, you can find careers, schools, and majors of interest to you, create a resume and prepare a personal career and life plan.

If you don't have a library card, get one at any of our Ventura County Library locations. Visit to find a library near you.

Ventura County eLibrary's Career & Jobs online resources include:

  • Career Cruising
  • Career Transitions
  • LearningExpress Job & Career Accelerator
  • LearningExpress Library of practice tests and skills courses

Ventura County Library System: Inspiring our community to explore, discover and connect.

The Ventura County Library is available 24/7 at