Summer Camps and Programs In and Around Ventura County


Looking for a summer camp within range of Ventura County? Here's a list of summer day camps and residential camps and programs in the area.

We've categorized the camps into three main groups; Traditional/Learning, Sports and Music/Arts, though many camps cover numerous fun activities all in one.

Know of more? Submit them here!

No doubt there will be some typos/errors on this list, so let us know if you find one.

Traditional Day Camps, Overnight Camps and Other Camps

Sports Camps

Music/Arts/Science Camps

Local Thousand Oaks Moms Create Service-Learning Summer Camp That is Fun-Filled and Community Inspired

Thousand Oaks locals, Meredith Madnick Cornelius and Anne Byer Marquart decided to create a summer camp focused on service-learning after they wanted to send their own children to one and realized there were none available for younger children.

From that realization, Camp Helping Hands™ (CHH) was born. CHH is a co-ed summer day camp for kids ages six to 13 with service-learning as its core theme.  Service-learning emphasizes both service and learning and requires participants to use their knowledge and skills to address real-life needs in their own communities.  

At Camp Helping Hands, campers will do just this by following the four phases of the service-learning process: investigation, planning, taking action, and reflection. When campers are led through this collaborative process, they share and invest their ideas and skills and feel truly committed to the project and to making a difference. Local organizations from the community will join as service partners, and local college students will lead the groups as CHH counselors.  

The theme for 2011 is “Living: Our Place in the World,” and the three-week session will be hosted at California Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks.  During week one, CHH campers will work with Waste Management to see firsthand how a landfill can be transformed into a pollinator garden. After a brief facility tour, which includes an up-close visit with Avian Entertainment falconers and their bir

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Latest Work of Chuck Trunks Entitled "Twurfer Dude"

Chuck Trunks is a Camarillo artist who prefers to spend time on his art rather than on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and all the other social networks out there. He's not the kind of guy messing around with an iPhone in his spare time. But he does recognize many of us are that way, including "Twurfer Dude" below, who is obsessed with surfing and tweeting.

For more of Chuck's work on Conejo Valley Guide, click here.

Here are some local surf classes and activities for those looking to emulate Twurfer Dude:

Ventura Surf School (Ventura)

Surfing L.A. Surf School (Malibu, Ventura)

Rent a "Surf Bike" at Ventura Boat Rentals

Ventura Surf Club

Malibu Makos Surf Club

Ventura Makos Surf Club

Over 120 Local Summer Camps (some with surfing!)

Or just cool off in a local community pool!