How Do I Find the Nearest Mailbox to Me?


My wife asked me if there is a way of finding the nearest local mailbox.  Sure, we know of a couple mailboxes within a mile of our home in the Conejo Valley but it's nice to be able to find other mailboxes when you're out and about.

She used to put letters and bills and such in the mailbox for our mail carrier to pick up, but with the rash of folks swiping things out of home mailboxes, she would prefer to drop letters off into a more secure "blue" mailbox.

The US Post Office has a "Find Locations" section on its website to find a variety of locations, including post offices, approved postal providers, self-service kiosks and collection boxes (aka mailboxes). Find your local mailbox at This tool on the USPS site works great and provides additional information, including daily pickup times.

And of course since there's data out there on where the mailboxes are, there are websites that take that this data and create their own mailbox map. does just this. Simply type in your location and the map will clearly lay out mailbox, post offices and UPS stores for your mailing needs. 

Income Planning to Keep Your Medicare Part B Premiums From Increasing

Medicare Part B covers certain doctor services, outpatient care, medical supplies and preventive services. You pay a monthly premium for Part B that is automatically deducted from your Social Security benefit payment.

Most people will pay the standard premium amount. If your modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) is above a certain amount, you may be charged an Income Related Monthly Adjustment Amount (IRMAA) - basically a higher premium.

Your MAGI is your total Adjusted Gross Income plus tax-exempt interest income, non-taxable Social Security benefits and untaxed foreign income on your tax return.

Medicare uses the MAGI reported on your IRS tax return from 2 years ago to determine your current year premium.

For example, the standard Part B premium in 2023 is $164.90. If your MAGI on your 2021 return was $97,000 or less if single or $194,000 or less on a joint tax return, you pay the standard 2023 premium.

If the MAGI on your 2021 tax return was between $97,000 up to $123,000 (single taxpayers) or between $194,000 up to $246,000 on a joint return, your 2023 premium would be $230.80.

There are additional income ranges that can bring your monthly premium as high as $560.50 per month in 2023, if your MAGI in 2020 was $500,000 or more for single or $750,000 or more for joint taxpayers. Visit for more details.

These bunnies are too young for Medicare but are discussing future healthcare options nonetheless.

ARE YOU FILING AS MARRIED FILING SEPARATELY? BE CAREFUL!! If your individual MAGI is above $97,000 and less than $403,000, your monthly premium jumps from $164.90 to $527.50. That’s a huge jump.

TAX PLANNING: Let’s say you are single and have $45,000 in Social Security, $35,000 in IRA distributions and $15,000 in interest and dividends in 2021. That brings you to $95,000 in MAGI, which is below the $97,000 threshold where they increase your premiums. If you sold a stock for a $2,001 gain, that would bring you to $97,001 in MAGI and your monthly premium would jump by $66 per month. Perhaps it would be wise to wait and sell that stock in 2022.

The only problem is, Medicare doesn’t announce next year’s premium parameters until the fall, which usually is after you’ve filed your previous year tax returns. What to do?

Well here we are near the end of 2023, which will be used to establish 2025 Part B premiums. The best you can do is just use the 2021 parameters and plan accordingly.

The MAGI cut-off for standard premiums in recent years have changed as follows:

  • 2021 (for 2023): $97,000 (single), $194,000 (joint)

  • 2020 (for 2022): $91,000, $182,000

  • 2019 (for 2021): $88,000, $176,000

  • 2018 (for 2020): $87,000, $174,000

  • 2015-2017 (for 2017-2019): $85,000, $170,000

What happens if your income jumps really high one year? You sell a rental property, win the Lotto, take a new job, etc. Well, your premiums will jump if your MAGI leaps over those income parameters. Not much you can do about it. The good news is that it will drop back down the following year if your MAGI drops below the income threshold.

There are some unique situations where you are allowed to an appeal a Part B premium IRMAA after you receive your notice from the Social Security Administration. Certain life-changing events that cause an income decrease can be considered to reduce your premium, such as death of a spouse, marriage, divorce, reduction in work hours, loss of pension, involuntary loss of income-producing property due to a disaster and receipt of settlement from employer due to closure or bankruptcy.

Visit for more information.

How to Be Coyote Aware in the Conejo Valley and Greater Ventura County


Living in the Conejo Valley, surrounded by thousands of acres of open space, most of us come into contact with coyotes from time to time. Coyotes are a vital component of rural and urban communities, deserving of respect for their adaptability, resilience and intelligence. Below are some tips on coyote awareness, courtesy of Project Coyote.


  • Coyotes are members of the dog family; they are curious, adaptable, and learn quickly.

  • Coyotes often mate for life, are devoted parents, and are highly communicative (barks, yips, howls).

  • Coyotes weigh 18-35 pounds in the West.

  • Coyotes may be more protective of dens/territories during pup rearing (April-Aug).

  • Coyotes eat large numbers of rodents and rabbits, as well as fruit, vegetation, insects and carrion. They help keep ecosystems vital, healthy and clean.

  • Coyotes are naturally wary of people but can habituate to our presence and the reliable food sources that we provide.


  • DON’T FEED COYOTES. Their life and your safety depend on coyotes remaining wild and naturally wary of people.

  • Remove attractants; pick up trash, secure garbage, and feed pets inside. Don’t leave food or pets outside at night.

  • Walk dogs on leashes, especially during pup rearing season (April-Aug). Pick up your small dog if you see a coyote and don’t let pets roam.

  • If approached, don’t run. Wave arms, make noise and walk toward the coyote until he retreats. Be “Big, Bad and Loud.”

  • Avoid areas where coyotes may be denning or feeding/hiding pups.

  • Appreciate coyotes from a distance. Share this information with family and friends.


All About the Previously Owned Clean Vehicle Credit

A brand new tax credit, the Previously Owned Clean Vehicle Credit, came about from the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. This new credit applies to pre-owned all-electric, plug-in hybrid and fuel cell electric vehicles purchased on or after January 1, 2023 through 2032. The credit, which is non-refundable, is 30% of the sales price, up to a maximum credit of $4,000.

As with pretty much every tax law, lawmakers made sure to make the requirements for this credit as confusing as possible. Here are the main parameters:

  • The sales price, exclusive of taxes ad fees, much be $25,000 or less.

  • The model year of the car must be at least two years prior to the calendar year the car is purchased.

  • The car must be purchased from a licensed dealer, not a private party.

  • The buyer’s modified adjusted gross income (AGI) cannot exceed $150,000 for married filing jointly taxpayers, $112,500 for head of household filing status and $75,000 for other taxpayers, in either the year of purchase or the previous year.

  • The buyer cannot be claimed as a dependent by someone else.

  • You can’t claim the credit more than once every three years, based on the actual purchase date of the car.

  • The credit is applicable per taxpayer; the IRS as of this writing has not clarified if both spouses could claim the credit within the same three-year period. (That said, in theory they could file separately in the years they claim the credit.)

There are other specifics listed at

Another important detail is that vehicles are only eligible for the credit for the first qualifying sale taking place on or after August 16, 2022. In other words, a used clean vehicle is not eligible for the credit after the first time, after 8/16/22, it is re-sold for $25,000 or less. How in the world will we know if that’s the case? Ask the dealer. They will know. What this means is that two cars with the same make, model and features offered at the same price of $25,000 or less…one them could be eligible for the credit while the other one is not.

As mentioned above, this is a non-refundable credit. This means that if you take the credit on your tax return, but your federal taxes are less than the credit, the excess goes away.

But wait…there’s a solution for that beginning in 2024! Starting this year, the credit can be transferred to the dealer and applied towards the sales price. The dealer, in turn, will receive the full credit from the IRS. The only catch is that you have to meet the AGI requirements mentioned above. If you file your tax return and do not meet those requirements, you’ll have to pay back the credit with your return. Whether you claim the credit at the dealer or on your return, you have to report the purchase on Form 8936.

Let’s use an example:

George is single and decides he wants to purchase a used EV. George expects his income to be $90,000 in 2024, but his 2023 return showed $70,000 in AGI, which qualifies him for the credit in 2024. He goes to the CarMax website and searches for electric cars at a price of $25,000 or less that are shown at

George finds a 2013 Chevy Bolt for $13,000 but it shows it has had two owners. If it was already re-sold by a dealer to the 2nd owner after 8/16/22 for $25,000 or less, it is not eligible for the credit. The dealer will be able to tell you if this is the case. But let’s assume the previous sale took place before that date. George purchases the car for $13,000 plus sales taxes, license fees, etc., less the credit, because he chooses to transfer the credit to the dealer. The credit is 30% times $13,000, or $3,900. Enjoy your used Chevy Bolt, George! (Let’s hope the car’s battery still holds a decent charge.)

Looking for information on NEW clean vehicle car tax credits? Visit

California Minimum Wage to Increase from $15.50 to $16 Per Hour on January 1, 2024.

Effective January 1, 2024, the minimum wage for all California hourly employees increases to $16 per hour, up from $15.50 per hour that was effective January 1, 2023.

The federal minimum wage for 2024 is still $7.25, a rate unchanged since it became effective on July 24, 2009.

California minimum wage rates apply to Ventura County residents.

The City of Los Angeles minimum wage rate has been $16.78 per hour since July 1, 2023. Each year, the minimum wage is adjusted for inflation; the adjusted rate is announced on February 1st of each year and becomes effective on July 1st of each year. The city’s 2024 minimum wage rate increases to $17.28 effective July 1, 2024. See

The County of Los Angeles minimum wage rate became $16.90 per hour effective July 1, 2023 and increases to $17.27 per hour (yes, one penny less than the City of Los Angeles minimum wage…who knew) starting July 1, 2024. See This rate applies to employees in unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County.

But WAIT…you may have heard that hourly employees of national fast food eateries in California will receive minimum wage rate of $20 beginning April 1, 2024.

Minimum Wage of National Fast Food Chain Workers in Calfiornia to Increase to $20 on April 1, 2024

Assembly Bill 1228 was signed by Governor Newsom on September 28, 2023. The bill authorizes, among other things, an increase in the minimum wage of employees at national fast food restaurants to $20 on April 1, 2024.

That’s a substantial increase in the current minimum wage for fast food workers, which as of January 1, 2024 will be $16 for California hourly employees (a 25% increase) and as of July 1, 2023 has been $16.90 for hourly employees in unincorporated Los Angeles County (an 18% increase). Ventura County hourly employees currently fall under the California minimum wage rate.

So does this mean that ALL fast food workers in California will automatically start earning at least $20 per hour next April? No. It applies to workers at “national fast food chains,” which is defined as “a set of limited-service restaurants consisting of more than 60 establishments nationally that share a common brand, or that are characterized by standardized options for decor, marketing, packaging, products, and services, and which are primarily engaged in providing food and beverages for immediate consumption on or off premises where patrons generally order or select items and pay before consuming, with limited or no table service."

Bakeries gets a break. “Fast food restaurant” shall not include an establishment that on September 15, 2023, operates a bakery that produces for sale on the establishment’s premises bread, as defined under Part 136 of Subchapter B of Chapter I of Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations, so long as it continues to operate such a bakery. This exemption applies only where the establishment produces for sale bread as a stand-alone menu item, and does not apply if the bread is available for sale solely as part of another menu item."

AB 1228 goes on to state that the hourly minimum wage may increase annually by the lesser of 3.5% or inflation over the the most recent July 1 to June 30 period.

So some additional questions come to mind:

  1. If a chain has 60+ establishments but they are only based in California, does this represent a “national fast food chain” under AB 1228? My suspicion is yes.

  2. How will AB 1228 impact fast food eateries with 59 or less locations? Why would someone want to continue earning $15.50 at a smaller chain when they could work at Taco Bell or Burger King and earn $20? It would seem that although the law is written for larger chains, clearly it will impact all fast food eateries in the state.

  3. How will AB 1228 impact other minimum wage jobs? As with smaller eateries, it would seem that all minimum wage jobs will be indirectly impacted by AB 1228. A $4 per hour difference between entry level fast food jobs and other minimum wage jobs is significant.

Read the entire bill at

Tax Breaks to Pay For College

Section 529 plans give taxpayers the ability to invest for college and use the funds for college expenses at some point in the future tax-free.

Do you get a tax deduction for contributions to 529 plans? Not on the federal return. Your tax savings comes in the future, as any income generated by the investments made can be distributed tax-free in the future, as long as they are used for qualified educational purposes (defined below).

Some states do offer a tax deduction or tax credit on all or a portion of contributions you make to 529 plans. However, California (along with Kentucky, North Carolina, Delaware, New Jersey and Maine) do not offer such deductions or credits. That said, California does conform to federal law in that distributions used for qualified purposes are not taxed.

What are “qualified” uses of 529 plan funds? Tuition, room and board*, books, supplies, fees and computers, software and internet access

*Room and board includes the cost of housing and a meal plan at a college or university, be it on campus or off campus. However, the allowable amount under a 529 plan cannot exceed what the school’s published “cost of attendance” is. You can typically find this on a university’s website.

You have to be enrolled in school at least half-time to qualify to use 529 plan funds.

Expenses that do NOT qualify for reimbursement under a 529 Plan include travel expenses, health insurance and personal living expenses.

There are no income limits for funding the plan accounts.

What is the maximum you can put into a 529 plan? The California Scholarshare plan has an overall maximum account balance limit of $529,000, which applies to all accounts opened for a beneficiary. See for more information.

Can grandparents and other relatives contribute to my kids’ 529 plans? Absolutely! They do not get any tax benefits for these contributions and they are considered to be gifts*, but like with other contributions, they grow tax free, as long as the funds are eventually used for college or even a trade school or vocational school, as long as that school is eligible to participate in student aid programs offered by the Department of Education.

*The gift tax exclusion in 2023 is $17,000, up from $16,000 in 2022. That means you can give up to $17,000 per person without filing a federal gift tax return (IRS Form 709).

What happens if I can’t use the money in a 529 plan? First off, you can transfer funds from one kid’s 529 plan to another’s if you need to. That said, if you are unable to use the funds for qualified education, you can always take the money out and pay taxes on the earnings, plus a 10% penalty. And there are certain exceptions to the penalty too.

American Opportunity Credit

The American Opportunity Credit (AOC) can provide tax credits of up to $2,500 per student for the first 4 years of college. You cannot claim it for more than 4 years.

Up to 40% of the credit is refundable; the other 60% must be applied against your tax liability. The maximum credits is derived as follows: 100% of the first $2,000 in qualified expenses and 25% of the next $2,000 of qualified expenses.

Qualified expenses for the AOC includes tuition, books and fees, but DOES NOT include room and board that is allowed to be paid with 529 plan funds.

The challenge with this credit is that it phases out for single taxpayers with modified adjusted gross income between $80,000 and $90,000 and for married taxpayers, $160,000 and $180,000. If this is the case, something to consider for tax planning purposes is for the taxpayer to NOT claim the student as a dependent on their return (even if entitled to), and let the student claim the AOC credit.

Lifetime Learning Credit

If you have already used 4 years of AOC credit, you may qualify for the Lifetime Learning Credit (LLC), which has no limit on the number of years to claim the credit. However, there are even lower income phaseout levels for the LLC, phasing out between $59,000 and $69,000 in modified adjusted gross income for single and $118,000 to $138,000 for married taxpayers.

Additionally, the LLC is not a refundable credit. If you don’t owe taxes, you won’t be able to use the credit. The credit is calculated at 20% of the first $10,000 in qualified education expenses. Consistent with the AOC, the student can claim the credit if the parent does not claim the student on their tax return. However, if the student owes no taxes, there’s no use to this credit.

Qualified expenses for the LLC are the same as for the AOC, except course material expenses MUST be paid to the university as a condition of enrollment.


Keep in mind that any scholarships and grants received must be applied against the tuition and other expenses incurred. In other words, you cannot use 529 plan funds or obtain a education tax credit on expenses paid for with scholarship funds. That would be double dipping!

Speaking of paying for college, HERE IS A LINK to an article on how to complete a FAFSA form.