Volunteer Opportunities in Ventura County


Looking for a job? Why not help yourself by filling in the gaps in your resume with new experiences while helping others! Or if you are just looking to give back to the local community, there are hundreds of opportunities to volunteer throughout Ventura County. Here's where to find volunteer opportunities:

The United Way of Ventura County hosts www.VolunteerVenturaCounty.org, which lists numerous upcoming volunteer opportunities.

Since 1998, VolunteerMatch.org has helped volunteers find over 4 million volunteer matches at over 60,000 non-profits across the country.

Or visit the Local Charities section of Conejo Valley Guide and you'll find over 100 Ventura County area non-profit organizations, most of which could use your help. I clicked a few and found plenty of volunteer needs publicized on each entity's website, like MANNA Food Bank, L.I.F.E. Animal Rescue in Agoura, Hospice of the Conejo, Friends of the Thousand Oaks Library, and CareGivers - Volunteers Assisting the Elderly.

You could also join one of over 80 service organizations in the Service Clubs section of CVG. The Rotary, Kiwanis, Optimist, Assistance League, Lions Club and other organizations provide needed services to others in need. 

ActionVC is a non-profit that seeks volunteers to serve the vulnerable in our local community. www.actionvc.org/volunteer

Habitat for Humanity of Ventura County seeks volunteers at www.habitatventura.org/volunteer.

The Ventura County Resource Conservation District seeks volunteers to further its mission to conserve the natural resources of Ventura County at www.vcrcd.org/volunteer.

The Ventura County Medical Reserve Corps is a volunteer network that provides support for public health, emergency response, first aid services for local events and other local needs. www.venturacountymrc.org

Volunteer opportunities in Thousand Oaks: toaks.org/departments/human-resources/volunteer

Volunteer opportunities in Simi Valley: www.simivalley.org/index.aspx?page=355

Volunteer opportunities in Camarillo: www.cityofcamarillo.org/departments/city_manager/volunteers.php

Volunteer opportunities in Moorpark: moorparkca.gov/389/Volunteering-in-Moorpark

Volunteering in the City of Westlake Village: www.wlv.org/index.aspx?nid=320

Volunteering for the County of Ventura: hr.ventura.org/volunteer

How about the National Park Service? Check the local Santa Monica Mountains volunteer opportunities and Channel Islands National Park volunteer opportunities.

Also check out the volunteer opportunities with the Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority. mrca.ca.gov/educational-outreach-programs/volunteer-2

And more links to volunteering opportunities:

Conejo Recreation and Park District www.crpd.org/support/volunteer

Pleasant Valley Recreation and Park District www.pvrpd.org/volunteer

Rancho Simi Recreation and Park District www.rsrpd.org/recreation/volunteers.php

Los Robles Hospital volunteer opportunities for adults and high school students www.losrobleshospitalvolunteers.com

Thousand Oaks Library www.tolibrary.org/services/get-involved/library-volunteers

Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Conejo Valley www.bgcconejo.org/get-involved/volunteer

Food Share of Ventura County foodshare.com/volunteer

Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (Oxnard, Ventura, Camarillo and Port Hueneme) www.oxnard.org/recreation/senior-services/rsvp-volunteer

St. John’s Pleasant Valley Hospital in Camarillo www.dignityhealth.org/central-coast/locations/pleasantvalley/about-us/volunteering

Ride On Therapeutic Horsemanship in Newbury Park www.rideon.org/volunteer.php

Shelter Hope Pet Shop in Thousand Oaks shelterhopepetshop.org/help

Conejo Players Theatre in Thousand Oaks conejoplayers.org/volunteer

Rancho St. Francis in Newbury Park www.ranchostfrancis.org/Volunteers.htm

Ventura County Sheriff’s Office Volunteers in Policing Program www.venturasheriff.org/volunteers/volunteers-in-policing

New West Symphony in Thousand Oaks newwestsymphony.org/volunteer

Conejo Free Clinic www.conejofreeclinic.org/volunteers

Interface Children & Family Services www.icfs.org/volunteer

Boys and Girls Clubs of Conejo Valley www.bgcconejo.org/get-involved/volunteer

Senior Concerns in Thousand Oaks seeks volunteers for its Adult Day Care Center, Meals on Wheels and other programs. www.seniorconcerns.org/volunteer

James Storehouse in Newbury Park seeks volunteers for its work supporting children in need. Visit www.jamesstorehouse.org/volunteer to apply.

Cancer Support Community Valley/Ventura/Santa Barbara seeks volunteers cancersupportvvsb.org/about-us/volunteer-opportunities

Conejo Open Space Conservation Agency seeks volunteers for trail watch, trail work days, Adopt-a-Trail and more. conejo-openspace.org/about/volunteer-opportunities

The Conejo Senior Volunteer Program provides opportunities for adults age 55+ to use their life experience and skills to meet local community needs. www.crpd.org/programs-sports/conejo-senior-volunteer-program

School on Wheels seeks volunteers to tutor children experiencing homelessness. schoolonwheels.org/apply-to-be-a-volunteer

The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary seeks volunteers ages 17 and up to join its local Channel Islands flotilla. Bring the USCG AUX your skills or join to develop your leadership skills through numerous free classes and workshops offered. The USCG AUX was established by Congress in 1939 to assist the Coast Guard in promoting boating safety. Volunteers assist the Coast Guard in non-law enforcement programs such as safety patrols, search and rescue, maritime security, vessel safety checks, public safe boating classes and watchstanding. Visit www.d11s.org to learn more.

Non-profit Step Up Tutoring seeks volunteers ages 16+ to tutor students online in underserved communities. Learn more at www.stepuptutoring.org/volunteer-tutor.

Trolley Services in Ventura County and Surrounding Areas

Trolley seen around town in Westlake Village

Trolley seen around town in Westlake Village

The term "trolley" is derived from a grooved conductive wheel attached to a pole that "trolls," or pulls along, an overhead wire to transfer electricity to a streetcar. The first large-scale trolley line in the world, the Richmond Union Passenger Railway, was a 12 mile system that opened on February 12, 1888 in Richmond, Virginia. This trolley service operated until November 25, 1949. 

You don't see many trolley buses anymore (San Francisco's historic streetcars are a well known exception), but here in Ventura County and adjacent areas we do have some electric trolleys in operation!

Camarillo: The City of Camarillo provides trolley service seven days a week, with 10 stops at various shopping centers in town in a 30 minute cycle. Fare price is $1 for adults and students, $.50 for seniors and ADA riders.

Ojai: The City of Ojai's Ojai Trolley Service has operated since 1989, providing low cost fixed route service with 45 stops over roughly five miles in Ojai, Meiners Oaks and Mira Monte.

Calabasas: Just east of us, City of Calabasas offers free trolley service on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 24 stops at various shopping and other venues.

Santa Barbara: The Santa Barbara Trolley Company is a commercial service that provides trolley tours to some of the area's great tourist venues Thursday to Monday.

Trolleys No More:

Ventura:  The Downtown Ventura-Harbor Trolley provided year-round free service to local shopping, tourist and hotel locations over an hour-long route, Wednesday through Sunday…until it closed operations at the end of March 2019.

Westlake Village: Previously provided a free trolley service on Fr/Sat nights during certain seasonal time frames in 2019. Program has been on hiatus since then but has been under consideration. Could be reinstated at some point; visit www.wlv.org for updates.

What Happens When You Turn 18 in the State of California?

Age 18 in the United States is considered the "age of majority" and is a major milestone.

Age 18 has been the age of majority since the 26th Amendment, signed into law by President Nixon in July 1971. Historically the age of majority was 21, but when Franklin D. Roosevelt lowered the military draft age to 18 during World War II, there was a push to align the voting age with the military draft age.

So what changes when you turn 18? The State Bar of California previously published a nice guide for teenagers to help better understand how their rights and responsibilities change at age 18.

Here's a summary of these rights and responsibilities, excerpted from the California Lawyers Foundation booklet (updated in 2021), “When You Turn 18 - A Legal Survival Guide” (pdf file) (Spanish language version):

  1. Enter into binding contracts - for example, leases, opening bank accounts and applying for loans (of course, to obtain the loan, you may still need a co-signer).

  2. Buy or sell property, such as real estate and stock.

  3. Marry without written consent of parents or guardian.

  4. Sue or be sued.

  5. Compromise, settle or arbitrate a claim.

  6. Make or revoke a will.

  7. Inherit property outright.

  8. Vote in federal, state and local elections. (Since 2016, 16 and 17 year olds may pre-register to vote at age 18.)

  9. Consent to all types of medical treatment.

  10. Join the military without parental consent. Male U.S. citizens or immigrants living in the U.S. generally must register with the Selective Service System within 30 days of turning 18. (Females are not currently not required to register for the draft.)

  11. Get a job without a special work permit.

  12. Serve jury duty.

  13. Be subject to more serious consequences for breaking the law.

  14. Prior to June 9, 2016, you could buy tobacco products. The law changed, however, and now you have to wait until you are age 21. This also includes e-cigarettes and vaping products.

  15. At age 18 you can give blood without parental consent in California (written parental consent is required for 16 and 17 year olds).

  16. At age 18 you may become an organ donor without parental consent. www.organdonor.gov/about/donors/child-infant.html

  17. Apply for credit in your own name, though you will likely need to show proof of income or have a co-signer.

  18. You can get a tattoo at age 18 and can do so without parental consent. You cannot get a tattoo under the age of 18. It is a misdemeanor to give or even offer to give a tattoo to someone under the age of 18 in California. (PC 653)

  19. You can get a piercing without parental consent at age 18.

  20. You can file a petition to change your name at age 18.

  21. You can play the Lottery at age 18 in most states (except Iowa and Louisiana - party poopers).

  22. In California and most states (except Arizona, Iowa, Nevada and Texas), you can bet on horse races (e.g. pari-mutuel betting).

  23. You can play charity bingo at age 18 in California.

What you still cannot do:

  1. Purchase tobacco products, e-cigarettes and vaping products (mentioned above). You must be age 21. In fact, federal law changed in December 2019 to require all states to change the minimum age for tobacco purchases to 21.

  2. Purchase and consume alcoholic beverages. The minimum age for drinking in all states is 21.

    Some states have minor (so to speak) exceptions to the age 21 requirement. In Kansas, under 21 may drink “cereal malt beverages” under parental supervision on their own property. What is a cereal malt beverage? A beverage with no more than 3.2% alcohol by weight produced by fermentation, not by distillation. Coors Light has 4.2% alcohol as a comparison. The states of Alaska, Connecticut, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Ohio and Wisconsin have exceptions that allow individuals under age 21 to drink when parents or guardians are present. If you are 18 and really want to drink, the territories of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands allow legal drinking, unencumbered by the presence of parents, at age 18.

  3. You cannot sell or serve alcoholic beverages for consumption on-premises until you are age 21. However, it is allowable for someone 18 to 21 to serve alcoholic beverages to consumers in a restaurant along with food for consumption on premises.

For more information about the “When You Turn 18: A Legal Survival Guide” publication and/or to request physical copies of the booklet at calawyersfoundation.org/our-work.

Veterans Day Services in Ventura County


Veterans Day is celebrated as a Federal holiday on the 11th day of November in honor of those who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces.

Veterans Day coincides with other holidays such as Armistice Day and Remembrance Day, which are celebrated in other parts of the world and also mark the anniversary of the end of World War I, which formally ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, when Armistice with Germany took effect.


Vietnam veteran David Stull stands guard while supporting a flagpole carrying the American flag at the Garden of Valor at Valley Oaks Memorial Park in Westlake Village. This was one of three 30 minute shifts he stood guard. November 1984 photo by Scott Harrison/The News Chronicle

Back in the 1980s, Conejo Valley residents would observe a 24-hour vigil during the Veterans Day holiday. I took photos several times, but this 1984 photo at dusk remains my favorite. The current full name of Valley Oaks is Pierce Brothers Valley Oaks Memorial Park. The flame is still burning at the Garden of Valor.

Where to Play Pickleball in Ventura County

Pickleball court at Del Prado Playgrounds in Newbury Park.

Pickleball court at Del Prado Playgrounds in Newbury Park.

According to www.whatispickleball.com, pickleball is oversized ping pong played on a badminton sized court with a tennis sized net. Pickleball originated in Bainsbridge Island, Washington in 1965 when congressman Joel Pritchard and his friend Bill Bell created the game for their families to play.

Pickleball is played with a perforated plastic ball similar to a wiffle ball that weighs about an ounce and composite or wooden paddles about twice the size of ping pong paddles. Pickleball is an indoor/outdoor sport that is easy to learn and, like tennis and ping pong, can be played singles or doubles. Learn more about pickleball at www.usapa.org.

Today, the sport of pickleball is governed in the U.S. by the USA Pickleball Association. which was founded in 2005 to promote the sport. There are over 8.9 million pickleball players in the United States over the age of six and over 44,000 pickleball courts across the country.

Pickleball continues to grow in popularity here in the Ventura County area. Here is a list of pickleball courts in and around Ventura County as well as adjacent areas:

Thousand Oaks:

Westlake Village:

The City of Westlake Village is constructing four pickleball courts for public use at Westlake Village Community Park, 31107 Thousand Oaks Boulevard. The courts will be located in the northeast corner of the existing parking lot, east of the Yarrow Family YMCA and south of the skate park. Courts will be open from sunrise to 9pm and have lights. Grand opening date is November 15th at 10am. www.wlv.org/pickleball.

Simi Valley:

Oak Park:

Pickleball courts at Deerhill Park, 6700 Doubletree Road

Port Hueneme:

Pickleball is available at Walter B. Moranda Park, 200 Moranda Parkway, Port Hueneme. There are 10 courts; 5 of them are reservable. www.ci.port-hueneme.ca.us/1169/Moranda-Park


Pickleball courts at Tierra Rejada Park, 11900 Mountain Trail Street open 8am to sunset and dual tennis/pickleball courts at Miller Park, 4530 Miller Parkway open 7am to 10pm.


Ventura www.cityofventura.ca.gov/pickleball



The privately-owned Calabasas Pickleball Club opened on June 1, 2024, with 16 courts at 5155 Old Scandia Lane. It is a members only club. Visit calabasaspb.com for more information.

Pickleball is offered at the Calabasas Tennis & Swim Center www.cityofcalabasas.com/government/community-services-parks-recreation/tennis-swim-center/tennis-pickleball


Ventura County Pickleball Club venturacountypickleballclub.com

Ojai Valley Pickleball www.ojaivalleypickleball.com

Ventura County Pickleball League camarilloathletics.com/ventura-county-pickleball-league

Visit camarillopickleball.fun to connect with other pickleball players.

Indoor Play Places In and Around Ventura County

There are hundreds of parks with play areas throughout the Conejo Valley and Greater Ventura County compiled at THIS LINK, but if you are looking for an indoor playtime experience with your little ones, from toddlers to teens, here are a number of options to check out.

This is just a small sampling of kids' activities highlighted here on Conejo Valley Guide.


The three story foam ball projectile and climbing area at Kids World in Oak Park.

The three story foam ball projectile and climbing area at Kids World in Oak Park.

Restaurant Rewards Programs and Birthday Freebies Around Ventura County


It's nice finding Kids Eat Free deals around Ventura County but there are also dozens of local rewards programs and birthday clubs that give you something for FREE!!!

This list includes programs where you get something for signing up or for being a repeat customer...a free burger, gift card, dessert, etc. Excluded are programs that do not provide an obvious freebie (i.e. only sends you promotional emails).

These deals often change, so click through to the restaurant website to confirm the deal is still good. Let us know of any changes, broken links or additions!!

Corner Bakery

Corner Bakery Rewards: Sign up and get $5 off your first order, then receive 5 points for every $1 spent, to get various offer. Also, receive a free bakery sweet on your birthday.

Locations: Thousand Oaks, Simi Valley

Cracker Barrel

Cracker Barrel Rewards: Earn “pegs” for each dollar spent and redeem for rewards. Free birthday reward - a dessert.

Location: Camarillo Premium Outlets

Daphne's Greek Cafe

Pita Points Rewards Club: Earn one point for each dollar spent; 100 points = $5 off any purchase. Plus another $5 credit on your birthday.

Locations: Newbury Park, Woodland Hills, Simi Valley

Dave & Buster’s

D&B Rewards: $10 free game play with $20 game play purchase for joining. $10 free game play for every $100 spent.

Location: Thousand Oaks

Del Taco

Dell Yeah! Rewards: Get two free tacos for signing up, get a free birthday reward and free ice or hot coffee before 11am daily with purchase. Accumulate points and exchange for rewards.

Locations: Newbury Park, Camarillo, Moorpark, Simi Valley (3), Oxnard (2), Ventura, Santa Paula


Denny's Rewards: Sign up and get 20% off your next visit.  Free Grand Slam on your birthday.

Locations: Newbury Park, Camarillo, Moorpark, Simi Valley, Oxnard, Ventura, Port Hueneme, Santa Paula

Domino’s Pizza

Domino’s Rewards - 1 order of $5 or more = 10 points. 60 points = a free pizza.

Locations: Various

El Pollo Loco

La Familia Rewards: Earn 100 points for each dollar spent. Redeem for rewards.

Locations: Newbury Park, Thousand Oaks, Camarillo, Moorpark, Agoura Hills, Simi Valley (2), Oxnard (3), Santa Paula, Ventura

Farmer Boys

VIF (Very Important Farmer) Loyalty Club: Earn 1 point for each dollar spent. Redeem points for rewards. www.farmerboys.com/vif

Location: Newbury Park

Firehouse Subs

Firehouse Rewards App: Use their app and earn points towards free subs and more. Get free birthday sub too.

Locations: Simi Valley Town Center, Ventura, and Thousand Oaks


Grabsomegreen Rewards: Earn 1 point for each full dollar spent and receive $5 reward for every 50 points earned (effectively a 10% discount). Receive $5 reward for your birthday. www.grabbagreen.com/rewards

Location: Thousand Oaks


IHOP Bank of Pancakes: Earn one PanCoin for every $5 spent. Trade 3 PanCoin crypto-pancakes for a short stack of 3 pancakes and other items. www.ihop.com/en/rewards

Locations: Agoura Hills, Camarillo, Ventura, Oxnard, Fillmore, Carpinteria


Islands Locals Program: Earn 1 point per $1 spent. 150 points = $10 reward. Get a free chips, salsa and guacamole upon sign-up. www.islandsrestaurants.com/locals-program

Location: Newbury Park

Jack in the Box

The Jack Pack: Earn points for each dollar spent. Redeem for food. www.jackinthebox.com/account/signup

Locations: Various

Jamba Juice

My Jamba Rewards App: Earn points for each purchase good for discounts on future purchases. Spend $35, get 35 points, which is good for $3 off your next order. Effectively an 8.6% discount. You also get a free birthday smoothie.

Locations: Westlake Village, Thousand Oaks, Camarillo, Newbury Park, Moorpark, Simi Valley, Oxnard, Port Hueneme, Ventura

Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams at The Commons at Calabasas offers a free ice cream on your birthday. Birthday guests can order any single, standard, or trio size ice cream in a cup or cone of their choice, and get their order free of charge.  The birthday special is only applicable on a customer’s day of birth. Adults must show a valid ID, and kids must be accompanied by an adult who can vouch that the day is their real birthday.

Jersey Mike's Subs

myMike’s: Sign up and earn free subs with Shore Points and receive a free sub on your birthday.

Locations: Over a dozen locations...Ventura, Camarillo, Newbury Park, Ojai, Oxnard, Calabasas, Simi Valley, Moorpark, Westlake Village, Thousand Oaks, etc.

Krispy Kreme

Krispy Kreme Rewards App: Register and get a free Original Glazed doughnut. Earn points towards free doughnuts and drinks and get a free gift on your birthday.

Location: 220 Riverpark Road, Oxnard

Lazy Dog Restaurant & Bar

Email Club: Sign up and get free birthday and anniversary treats (dessert or appetizer)

Locations: The Oaks Mall in Thousand Oaks and The Collection at Riverpark in Oxnard

Little Calf Creamery & Cafe

Follow Little Calf: Sign up for their email list and get a free scoop of ice cream and updates. Visit website for details.

Locations: Thousand Oaks and Westlake Village.

Maria's Italian Kitchen

Maria's Kitchen Club App: Free birthday dessert. Earn 1 point for every $1 spent. Cash in 200 points for a $10 award (effectively a 5% discount). Free medium cheese pizza at signup. Free birthday month dessert.

Location: Agoura Hills

Menchie's Frozen Yogurt

My Smileage Club: Earn a Smile point for each dollar spent. Cash in 50 smiles for $5 towards a future purchase. That's a 10% rebate in my book!

Locations: The Collection at RiverPark in Oxnard, Port Hueneme and Ventura.

Nick the Greek

Rewards App: Earn points from purchases and redeem for food and drinks.

Locations: Ventura, Westlake Village

Noah’s New York Bagels

Noah’s Rewards: Free bagel and shmear with purchase, free egg sandwich on your birthday and redeem rewards points for items.

Noahs App: Download the app and receive 2 points for every $1 spent to redeem for items. Order on the app and get a free hot or iced coffee reward.

Locations: Thousand Oaks, Camarillo, Ventura

Nothing Bundt Cakes

eClub: Sign up and get a free Bundtlet on your birthday

Locations: Thousand Oaks, Ventura

Old New York Deli

Deli Dough Rewards Program: Earn 1 point for every $1 spent. 100 points  =  $7 in Deli Dough.

Location: Camarillo

Panera Bread

MyPanera: Sign up and receive a free "surprise" like a free pastry or sweet. Then receive other surprises as you accumulate points.

Locations: Camarillo, Oxnard, Ventura, Westlake Village, Thousand Oaks, Simi Valley

Papa John's

PapaRewards: Earn 1 point for every $5 you order ONLINE (including tax and delivery). Accumulate points for food items.

Locations: Thousand Oaks, Moorpark, Simi Valley, Oxnard, Ventura and Camarillo

Peet’s Coffee

Peetnik Rewards App: Earn points and exchange them for drinks and food. FREE drink or baked good on your birthday.

Locations: Thousand Oaks, Ventura

Pickles Deli

Pickles Deli Rewards - Fill out a form or download the Royalty Rewards Member App to receive $10 off your next visit for signup, free birthday reward and earn 1 point for each $1 spent. 100 points equals a $5 reward certificate.

Location: Newbury Park

Pizza Hut

Hut Rewards - Earn 2 points for each $1 spent. Use points for free pizza and other items.

Locations: Various

Pizza Man Dan's

Pizza Lover's Email Club: Free pizza on your birthday and much more.

Locations: Ventura (2), Oxnard, Port Hueneme, Moorpark and Camarillo

Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers

Caniac Club: Get a free box combo for signing up.

Location: Oxnard

RedBrick Pizza

RedBrick Rewards: Earn 10 points for every dollar spent. Receive a $10 reward for every 1000 points. Effectively a 10% discount. Receive a small gelato after registering.

Location: 4990 Telephone Road, Ventura

Red Lobster

My Red Lobster Rewards: Earn points for your purchases and redeem for food items. Receive something on your birthday too.

Location: Oxnard

Red Robin

Red Robin Royalty: Free burger on your birthday and every 10th item free.

Locations: Simi Valley, Ventura, Oxnard

Regency Theatres

Regency Rewards: Earn points on purchases. 10 points for each adult ticket...100 points gets you a free companion ticket.

Locations throughout the area.

Rise Southern Biscuits & Righteous Chicken

Rise Rewards: Earn points for each dollar spent. Redeem points for food and beverages.

Location: Thousand Oaks, near Topper’s Pizza.

Rita's Italian Ice of Newbury Park

Rita's Birthday Club: Sign up and receive free birthday treat.

Location: 2290 Borchard Road, Newbury Park

Rori’s Artisanal Creamery

Birthday Club: Sign up for Rori’s email list and get a free birthday scoop

Locations: Camarillo, Ventura


Sbarro Rewards: Earn points for purchases and exchange for free food items.

Locations: Pacific View Mall in Ventura, The Oaks Mall


Subway MVP Rewards: Earn 4 tokens for every $1 spent on food and drinks. 200 tokens = $2 reward. Free cookie with sub purchase.

Locations: Everywhere

7 Eleven

7Rewards Loyalty Program: Download app on your smartphone, scan when you purchase coffee, Slurpees and other fountain drinks, and get 7th drink free. Not a bad deal!

Sharky's Woodfired Mexican Grill

Sharky's Rewards: Earn 1 point for every $1 spent. 100 points = $7 good toward future purchases. Effectively a 7% discount.

Locations: Calabasas, Camarillo, Newbury Park, Thousand Oaks, Simi Valley, Ventura, Westlake Village and Woodland Hills.


Sprinkles Perks: For every $1 spent, get 5 points. 300 points equals a free item (cupcake, cookie or brownie).

Location: The Promenade at Westlake


My Starbucks Rewards: Members receive a free birthday drink or treat. Free refills and other items based on number of Stars collected over designated periods.

Locations: Everywhere

Stonefire Grill

SFG Rewards: Earn 1 point for every $1 spent. Every 125 points equals a $10 reward. Free birthday dessert.

Locations: Thousand Oaks

Taco Bell

Taco Bell Rewards: Sign up and get a free reward, then earn 10 points for each $1 spent. Earn a new reward every 250 points.

Texas de Brazil Churrascaria

eClub: Sign up and get $20 savings on two regular dinners combined and gifts on your birthday and other special occasions.

Location: The Collection at RiverPark in Oxnard

Urbane Cafe

Urbane Cafe App: Download the app, use it to pay for your purchases, and receive $5 credit for every $100 you spend; a 5% discount. I also received a $3 birthday credit.

Locations: Thousand Oaks, Simi Valley, Agoura Hills, Camarillo, Oxnard, Ventura


Wiener Lovers' Club: Get a free chili dog for signing up and other stuff.

Locations: Simi Valley, Oxnard, Ventura


Email Club: Free birthday gift.

Locations: Oxnard, Camarillo, Ventura, Thousand Oaks

Yard House

E-Club: Register and receive a free appetizer

Location: Oxnard


Real Rewards Program: Earn points for each ounce purchased and exchange points for free yogurt and birthday treats.

Locations: Simi Valley, Westlake Village, Oxnard, Ventura and Camarillo


Arby’s Email List: Get free Classic Roast Beef with purchase of full-price menu item after signing up.

Locations: Ventura, Simi Valley

Baja Fresh

Club Baja: Earn 1 point for each dollar spent. Every 100 points gets you a $10 reward. Special offer on your birthday.

Locations: Camarillo (2), Simi Valley (2), Calabasas, Oxnard, Westlake Village

Bandits Grill & Bar

Bandits' Roundup Club: Free birthday gift, specials and more.

Location: Thousand Oaks


Birthday Club: Free small scoop on your birthday!

Locations: Newbury Park, Camarillo, Moorpark, Agoura, Simi Valley (2), Oxnard (2), Thousand Oaks (2), Santa Paula, Ventura (2)

BJ's Restaurant

BJ's Premier Rewards Plus: Earn 1 point for each $1 spent and redeem for discounts. For example, cash in 350 point for $25 off your meal, effectively about a 7% rebate. Free Pizookie at registration and on birthdays.

Locations: Westlake Village, Oxnard

Black Bear Diner

Bear Lovers E-Club: Sign up and get a free meal now and another on your birthday.

Location: Ventura

Buca di Beppo

Buca E-Club: Join and receive $10 gift.

Location: Janss Marketplace in Thousand Oaks

Buffalo Wild Wings

Blazin' Rewards: Earn points for purchases and exchange for free food. Get 10 free boneless wings for signing up.

Locations: Simi Valley, Oxnard

Cafe Rio

My Rio Rewards: Earn 1 point for every $1 spent. Receive $10 reward for 100 points. Effectively 10% off.

Location: Thousand Oaks

California Pizza Kitchen

CPK Rewards: Free small plate when you register. Earn 1 point for each $1 spent. 75 points equals a $5 reward.

Locations: Thousand Oaks (The Lakes), Simi Valley Town Center, Ventura (Pacific View Mall)


Chick-fil-A One App: Earn points with each purchase and redeem them for free food rewards.

Locations: Thousand Oaks, Westlake Village, Oxnard, Simi Valley, Ventura

Chili's Grill & Bar

My Chili's Rewards: Get free chips and salsa or non-alcoholic beverage on every visit. Free dessert on your birthday.

Locations: Newbury Park, Simi Valley, Oxnard


Chipotle Rewards: 10 points for every $1 spent. Redeem points for free menu items, apparel, accessories or charitable donations. Get free guac at signup and on your birthday.

Locations: Newbury Park, Thousand Oaks, Westlake Village, Camarillo, Simi Valley, Oxnard

Cold Stone Creamery

My Cold Stone Club® Rewards: Earn 1 point for each dollar spent. 50 points can be used as a $5 reward towards purchases of $5 or more. 25 points earned just for registering.

Locations: Thousand Oaks, Camarillo, Oxnard, Ventura, Simi Valley

Non-Food Rewards


Ultamate Rewards: Earn points for purchases and exchange for discounts. Free birthday item.

Locations: Thousand Oaks, Camarillo, Simi Valley, Oxnard, Calabasas