Identify Local Sex Offenders Using California Megan's Law Website


California was the first state in the nation to initiate a Sex Offender Tracking Program in 1947, but until 1996, when California Megan's Law (CML) was initiated, information about sex offenders was not publicly available. 

Megan's Law is named after seven year old New Jersey girl Megan Kanka, who was raped and killed by a known molester who lived across the street from her family. All states now have a form of Megan's Law. On September 24, 2004, AB 488 was signed into law in California, providing the public Internet access to sex offender information at

This is a website that deserves a look, particularly by anyone who is a parent. While the website is not meant to "punish" sex offenders, it is a useful awareness tool. The search engine on the site allows you to search by name, address, city, zip and county, as well as within a two mile radius of parks and schools. You can also review the results of your search in both map and listing format.

Within seconds you can identify the 880=1 (as of July 2024) registered sex offenders in Ventura County, including photos, names, vital stats like date of birth, height and weight, their offenses and, where applicable, their addresses. You can view the offenders on a map or on a list.

Map view of megan’s Law offenders in Ventura County as of January 2023

The information in the CML database is not always up to date for each individual. The severity of the offenses for each individual vary from the more violent (rape, battery) to statutory rape, indecent exposure, etc.

U.S. National Park Service Free Entrance Days


There are over 400 national parks covering over 84 million acres throughout the United States and its territories.  The majority of these parks do not charge entrance fees (though parking fees often apply). As for the roughly 110 national parks that do have entrance fees, there are a number of designated "fee free" days each year.

Here are the National Park Service Free Entrance Days in 2024:

  • January 15 (Martin Luther King Jr. Day)

  • April 20 (First Day of National Park Week)

  • June 19: (Juneteenth National Independence Day)

  • August 4 (Anniversary of the Great American Outdoors Act)

  • September 28 (National Public Lands Day)

  • November 11 (Veterans Day)

The parks that normally charge a fee that are free on the above dates are listed at California parks in this category include:

Plenty of other amazing national treasures are on this list, like Grand Canyon National Park.

And of course there are two national parks in Ventura County that are always worth exploring:

For more information about the National Park Service, visit

California's Low Cost Auto Insurance Program Provides Affordable Insurance for Those Eligible

Auto insurance is a requirement if you have a valid driver's license and drive a vehicle in the state of California. The California Low Cost Auto (CLCA) Insurance program is a state-sponsored program that makes auto insurance more affordable to those meeting eligibility requirements.

To qualify, you must 1) have a valid California driver's license; 2) own a vehicle valued at $25,000 or less; 3) meet income eligibility guidelines; and 4) be at least 16 (under 18 must be legally emancipated) or older.

Maximum income requirements are based on the size of your household. As of 2024, that maximum is $37,650 for a household size of 1, increasing by $13,450 for each additional household member (e.g. household of 4 maximum income is $78,000.

Annual premiums vary by county. If you live in Ventura County, have been licensed continuously for 3 years and are not a 19-24 years of age and unmarried, your annual premium is $275 ($358 if you are an unmarried 19-24 year old).

While the premiums are great, the coverage is very limited. A basic policy includes only up to $10,000 per person and up to $20,000 per accident for bodily injury or death and up to $3,000 for property damage. Comprehensive and collision is not included in these policies (they would have to be purchased separately).

Learn more and sign up at

California Has Billions of Dollars of Unclaimed Property - Claim Yours Now!

The State of California maintains billions of dollars in unclaimed property belonging to individuals and organizations.

California's Unclaimed Property Law requires "holders" such as corporations, business associations, financial institutions, and insurance companies to report and deliver property to the Controller's Office after there has been no customer contact for three (3) years. Often the owner forgets that the account exists, or moves and does not leave a forwarding address or the forwarding order expires. In some cases, the owner dies and the heirs have no knowledge of the property.

The most common types of unclaimed property are bank accounts and safe deposit box contents, stocks, mutual funds, bonds, and dividends, uncashed cashier's checks or money orders, certificates of deposit, matured or terminated insurance policies, estates, and mineral interests and royalty payments, trust funds and escrow accounts. You may also find things like unused balances in prepaid cards and refunds due.

Find out more at

Search the California Unclaimed Property database at

Search by name, address, city, property number or any combination.

Digitally Preview Your Mail Each Morning with USPS Informed Delivery

Informed Delivery by USPS allows you to preview your mail each morning with a digital copy of each letter-sized item to be delivered to you via email. You can also log in anytime and see images of previous week’s mail. Additionally, you can see the delivery status of any packages coming your way.

If you’ve ever had your mail stolen, this gives you the ability to at least see what mail was stolen from you. Or you can see first thing in the morning what mail is being delivered, alerting you to anything of particular importance.

You will see the address side of mail delivered. You of course will not be seeing contents of that mail.

Learn more and sign up at

What's the Deal With All of Those Signs Posted at the Swimming Pool

My kids get a laugh from time to time when they notice the sign at the public swimming pool that states, "Persons having currently active diarrhea or who have had active diarrhea within the previous 14 days shall not be allowed to enter the pool water." 

The thought comes to mind, should one have had this issue, how many people would actually remember if it was within the last 14 days. Heck, I can't even remember what I ate for breakfast yesterday and what I watched on TV last Sunday.

But the sign is well intended as waterborne disease is no laughing matter. Waterborne disease outbreaks in pools have often been caused by individuals with recent diarrhea; chlorine doesn't always take care of removing the viruses or parasites that can come from those with recent symptoms.

The requirement for this and other community pool signs comes from California Building Code Chapter 31B "Public Pools," Section 3120B "Required Signs."

Section 3120B.11 "Diarrhea" indicates the sign must have letters at least 1 inch high, clearly states what is noted above, and is posted at the entrance area of a public pool. Public pools include municipal/park district pools, hotel pools, water parks, swim schools, homeowner shared pools, apartment pools, campground pools, etc. One is thus not required to post this sign at your home pool (unless you really want to).


According to this source, the diarrhea sign and a variety of other pool signs were put into law in late 2012. Some examples of other public pool sign requirements include:

  • "No Diving" sign for pools with maximum depth of 6 feet or less

  • "No Lifeguard" sign when applicable

  • Emergency sign with 911 and nearest emergency services

  • "No use after dark" sign for pools without lighting

  • Artificial respiration and CPR sign

  • Pool user capacity sign (1 person per 10 sq ft in spa; 1 person per 20 sq ft in pool)

So you've learned something new. If you'd like to read the entire 28 pages of Chapter 31B of the California Building Code, or any of the Code for that matter, visit


Daylight Saving Time is Back ALREADY on Sunday, March 10th!

Daylight Saving** Time is coming back again! Yes, this will take place on Sunday, March 10, 2024, at 1:59 a.m. When the clock strikes 2 a.m. that morning, you will lose one hour of beauty sleep.

So try to get to bed early the night of March 9th or you might feel grumpy on Monday! Especially when you realize it feels a lot darker that morning. But the good thing is it'll be a lot lighter out at dinnertime!

** Contrary to what many of us think, it is called Daylight Saving Time, not Savings Time. Make sure to correct anyone who says it wrong if you really want to get on their nerves. But the reality of it is that we're not saving any daylight, we're just shifting it around.